

单词 snob

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Examples of 'snob' in a sentence

We food snobs tend to be rather sniffy about her.This is when the average food snob steps out.So are we becoming more discerning in our tastes or just turning into food snobs?The world is full of intellectual snobs.He is certainly no intellectual snob.CW has little time for intellectual snobs.I've always been a food snob. Food snobs will be surprised to learn that the average Frenchman eats 14 burgers a year.Eat here, unless you're a total food snob.Many politicians and bankers appear to be arrogant, self-important snobs.He allows us to understand that art snobs are insecure people: that the problem is theirs, not ours. Food snobs are awful.Most of all, I learnt how to stop being a food snob.

In other languages

British English: snob /snɒb/ NOUN
A snob is someone who feels that they are better than other people because of their behaviour or social class.
Her parents did not like him because they were snobs.
  • American English: snob
  • Arabic: مُتَكَبِر
  • Brazilian Portuguese: esnobe
  • Chinese: 势利小人
  • Croatian: snob
  • Czech: snob
  • Danish: snob
  • Dutch: snob
  • European Spanish: esnob
  • Finnish: snobi
  • French: snob
  • German: Snob
  • Greek: σνομπ
  • Italian: snob
  • Japanese: 紳士気取りの俗物
  • Korean: 속물
  • Norwegian: snobb
  • Polish: snob
  • European Portuguese: snob
  • Romanian: snob
  • Russian: сноб
  • Latin American Spanish: esnob
  • Swedish: snobb
  • Thai: คนที่คิดว่าตนดีกว่าคนอื่น
  • Turkish: züppe
  • Ukrainian: сноб
  • Vietnamese: trưởng giả học làm sang

Chinese translation of 'snob'


(snɔb) (pej)

n (c)

  1. 势(勢)利小人 (shìlì xiǎorén) (个(個), )
a person who feels smugly superior with regard to his or her tastes or interests
She was an intellectual snob.
He was an elitist with a condescending attitude.
social climber

Synonyms of 'snob'


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