Your backbone is the column of small linked bones down the middle of your back.
2. singular noun [usually with poss]
The backbone of an organization or system is the part of it that gives it its main strength.
Small businesses are the economic backbone of this country. [+ of]
3. uncountable noun [oft with brd-neg]
If you say that someone has no backbone, you think they do not have the courage to do things which need to be done.
You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.
Synonyms: strength of character, will, character, bottle [British, slang] More Synonyms of backbone
More Synonyms of backbone
backbone in British English
1. a nontechnical name for spinal column
something that resembles the spinal column in function, position, or appearance
strength of character; courage
the main or central mountain range of a country or region
5. nautical
the main longitudinal members of a vessel, giving structural strength
6. computing
(in computer networks) a large-capacity, high-speed central section by which other network segments are connected
backbone in American English
the column of bones along the center of the back of vertebrate animals, including humans, made up of separate bones connected by the spinal cord, ligaments, and disk-shaped cartilage; spine
main support; firmest part
a main ridge or range of mountains
willpower, courage, determination, etc.
back1 (sense 8)
SIMILAR WORDS: ˈfortitude
Word origin
ME bakbon: see back1 & bone
Examples of 'backbone' in a sentence
They form the backbone of the internet and banking system.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Data centres form the backbone of the internet and the banking system.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It formed the backbone of their values and sustained them through numerous hardships.
Christianity Today (2000)
You must do it right because your staff are the backbone of your business.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
When are the people of this country going to get some backbone and say enough is enough?
The Sun (2014)
It provided the backbone of the local economy.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
We run some of the five million small businesses that form the economic backbone of this country.
The Sun (2015)
The sort of backbone notions which people snort at today but actually underpin our society.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Which is why the backbone of the team is the first thing he will restore.
The Sun (2013)
They are the backbone of our economy.
The Sun (2008)
These are the backbone of the business and are a great animal to work with.
The Sun (2013)
French forces were expected to provide its backbone.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They were the backbone of this country.
The Sun (2015)
He is a solid presence in defence and the backbone of the team.
The Sun (2013)
All too often we forget what constitutes the real backbone of the economy.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
It is the backbone of my business.
The Sun (2015)
He is a natural backbone to any team.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Small businesses like these are the backbone of the country and their success shows it is possible to triumph over adversity.
The Sun (2010)
They add backbone to our nation.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Could the British literary establishment please get itself a backbone?
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
It's a powerful moment that gives the film the serious backbone it badly needs.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Social media forms the backbone.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Long the backbone of the nation 's energy system, they are being rendered uneconomic by pollution taxes.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
She now grows 75 varieties in six beds, and they have become the backbone of her cutting garden.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
In other languages
British English: backbone /ˈbækˌbəʊn/ NOUN
Your backbone is the column of small linked bones along the middle of your back.
American English: backbone
Arabic: عُمُود فِقْرِيّ
Brazilian Portuguese: espinha dorsal
Chinese: 脊椎
Croatian: kralježnica
Czech: páteř
Danish: rygrad
Dutch: ruggengraat
European Spanish: columna vertebral
Finnish: selkäranka
French: colonne vertébrale
German: Rückgrat
Greek: σπονδυλική στήλη
Italian: spina dorsale
Japanese: 背骨
Korean: 등뼈
Norwegian: ryggrad
Polish: kręgosłup
European Portuguese: espinha dorsal
Romanian: coloană vertebrală
Russian: позвоночник
Latin American Spanish: columna vertebral
Swedish: ryggrad
Thai: กระดูกสันหลัง
Turkish: omurga
Ukrainian: хребет
Vietnamese: xương sống
Chinese translation of 'backbone'
(c)脊椎骨 (jīzhuīgǔ) (条(條), tiáo)
(u) (= courage) 骨气(氣) (gǔqì)
(s) (= key person) 中坚(堅) (zhōngjiān)
1 (noun)
the spinal column
He was so thin that his backbone was visible.
spinal column
The treatment involved tiny injections in the back.
fractures of the hip and spine
vertebral column
2 (noun)
the economic backbone of the nation
Best friends are the foundation of my life.
Andrew is terrific. He's been such a support to me.
The family base was crucial to my development.
The UN plan is a possible basis for negotiation.
Fish and rice were the mainstays of their diet.
It took five years to drill down to bedrock.
3 (noun)
strength of character
You might be taking drastic measures and you've got to have the backbone to do that.
strength of character
He lacked the will to confront her.
balls (taboo, slang)
She showed real character in her refusal to give up.
bottle (British, slang)
Will anyone have the bottle to go through with it?
He implemented policy with resolution and single-mindedness.
He doesn't weaken in his resolve.
I never got up enough nerve to tell him he was wrong.
If we keep our nerve, we might be able to bluff it out.
His daring nearly cost him his life.
They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions.
They acted with great courage and determination.
Cynics might sneer at him but you have to admire his pluck.
He showed grit and determination in his fight back to health.
You deserve the highest praise for your bravery.
He suffered his illness with dignity and fortitude.
Sheer tenacity is crucial to career success.
She doesn't have the willpower to give up smoking.
It's the first real test of his mettle this season.
spunk (informal)
I admired her independence and her spunk.
moral fibre
They all lacked courage, backbone or moral fibre.
developing hardihood of body
ballsiness (taboo, slang)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of back
the spinal column
The treatment involved tiny injections in the back.