often used in hyphenated compounds meaning having a (specified kind of) back [canvas-backed]
Examples of 'backed' in a sentence
When the car was no more than a six-inch block the mobiles took their containers and backed off down the lane.
Robert Wilson BLOOD IS DIRT (2002)
The car keys to my Peugeot were on the side next to the instant coffee, which backed away from me.
Hollis found himself backed up against his car, trying to parry the thrusting beak with his leg.
Mark Mills AMAGANSETT (2002)
Her face was almost imperceptible backed by the last remnants of the day's light.
James W. Huston THE SHADOWS OF POWER (2002)
All related terms of 'backed'
If you move back , you move in the opposite direction to the one in which you are facing or in which you were moving before.
having a backing made of foam rubber
having the back curved in shape or concave like a saddle
asset-backed fund
a fund in which the money is invested in property, shares , etc, rather than being deposited with a bank or building society
black-backed gull
either of two common black-and-white European coastal gulls , Larus fuscus ( lesser black-backed gull ) and L . marinus ( great black-backed gull )
red-backed shrike
a common Eurasian shrike , Lanius collurio , the male of which has a grey crown and rump , brown wings and back, and a black-and-white face
back off
If you back off , you move away in order to avoid problems or a fight .
back out
If you back out , you decide not to do something that you previously agreed to do.
back up
If someone or something backs up a statement , they supply evidence to suggest that it is true .
red-backed sandpiper
a small sandpiper , Calidris (or Erolia ) alpina, of northern and arctic regions, having a brown back and black breast in summer
back away
If you back away from a commitment that you made or something that you were involved with in the past , you try to show that you are no longer committed to it or involved with it.
back down
If you back down , you withdraw a claim, demand , or commitment that you made earlier, because other people are strongly opposed to it.
back water
to reverse the direction of a boat, esp to push the oars of a rowing boat to slow it down or stop it
great black-backed gull
a large gull , Larus marinus , that breeds on European and North American coasts
red-backed squirrel monkey
a related species, Saimiri oerstedi , of Central America, having a reddish coat and dark brown limbs
back crawl
a stroke performed on the back, using backward circular strokes of each arm alternately and flipper movements of the feet
light falling on a photographic or television subject from the rear
Backstroke is a swimming stroke that you do on your back.
A backwater is a place that is isolated.
a small sandpiper , Calidris (or Erolia ) alpina, of northern and arctic regions, having a brown back and black breast in summer
roach back
an arched back , esp. of a horse
an abnormal sagging or concavity of the spine in older horses