释义 |
language note: The adverb is also spelled part time.adjectiveIf someone is a part-time worker or has a part-time job, they work for only part of each day or week. Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers. Part-time work is generally hard to find. I'm part-time. I work three days a week. Part-time is also an adverb. I want to work part-time. part-time in British Englishadjective1. for less than the entire time appropriate to an activity a part-time job a part-time teacher adverb part time2. on a part-time basis he works part time Compare full-timeDerived forms part-timer (ˌpart-ˈtimer) noun part time in American English as a part-time employee, student, etc. to work part time part-time in American English (ˈpɑrtˈtaɪm) adjective designating, of, or engaged in work, study, etc. for specified periods regarded as taking less time than a regular or full schedule Examples of 'part-time' in a sentencepart-time `It's only part time ," Shaerl said in the carefully modulated voice of a beauty pageant contestant.Too many are spoilt with generous allowances instead of being made to find part-time jobs.He works part-time as a helicopter pilot and says he often helped conservation charities while abroad.He also apologised to a restaurant for quitting his part-time job.He was working as a part-time security guard.And last year a think tank said a growing number of men were choosing part-time work to spend more time at home.I found just keeping up with the texts was like a part-time job.You're encouraged from day one to get a part-time job and work experience.You'll have to work part-time if you want to be comfortable financially.The part-time job pays him 20,000 a month.I work part-time from home so don't really see anyone during the day.This lets us take on the full and part-time staff we need.And that has meant he has kept his job on a part-time basis.Two thirds of those counted worked part-time.The rail regulator should look at this discriminatory practice which punishes part-time workers.The changes mean three million part-time workers now pay no income tax.You can also make part-time jobs work in your favour in other ways.One explanation is that more workers could be accepting lower paid or part-time jobs.There will be full and part-time roles and no experience is necessary as training will be given.The focus on the issues affecting part-time students is welcome.We are a church with three full time pastors and three part-time support staff.There are positions for full and part-time staff.They both work part-time as carers for the elderly.She now holds down three part-time jobs to support herself.They are also available as part-time courses.Other staff will be asked to consider taking unpaid leave or switching to part-time roles.Some staff are part-time to be able to care for elderly parents.The review will make recommendations on fees policy and financial support for full and part-time students.She has a part-time bar job.I was a part-time waitress there and the tips came in handy.I have offered to play for them on a part-time basis.I am 22 and work as a part-time waitress. In other languagespart-time British English: part-time / ˈpɑːtˌtaɪm/ ADJECTIVE If someone is a part-time worker or has a part-time job, they work for only part of each day or week. Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers. - American English: part-time
- Arabic: غَيْرُ مُتَفَرِّغٍ
- Brazilian Portuguese: de meio expediente
- Chinese: 兼职的
- Croatian: honoraran
- Czech: na částečný úvazek
- Danish: deltids-
- Dutch: parttime
- European Spanish: a tiempo parcial
- Finnish: osa-aikainen
- French: à temps partiel
- German: Teilzeit-
- Greek: μερικής απασχόλησης
- Italian: part-time
- Japanese: パートタイムの
- Korean: 시간제의
- Norwegian: deltids-
- Polish: półetatowy
- European Portuguese: a tempo parcial
- Romanian: cu jumătate de normă
- Russian: не полностью занятый
- Latin American Spanish: a medio tiempo
- Swedish: deltids-
- Thai: ซึ่งไม่เต็มเวลา
- Turkish: yarım gün
- Ukrainian: з неповною зайнятістю
- Vietnamese: bán thời gian
British English: part-time / ˈpɑːtˌtaɪm/ ADVERB If someone works part-time, they work for only part of each day or week. I want to work part-time. - American English: part-time
- Arabic: بدواما جزئي
- Brazilian Portuguese: meio expediente
- Chinese: 兼职地
- Croatian: honorarno
- Czech: na částečný úvazek
- Danish: på deltid
- Dutch: parttime
- European Spanish: a tiempo parcial
- Finnish: osa-aikaisesti
- French: à temps partiel
- German: auf Teilzeit
- Greek: με ωράριο μερικής απασχόλησης
- Italian: part-time
- Japanese: パートタイムで
- Korean: 시간제로
- Norwegian: deltid
- Polish: na pół etatu
- European Portuguese: a tempo parcial
- Romanian: cu jumătate de normă
- Russian: в режиме неполного рабочего дня
- Latin American Spanish: a medio tiempo
- Swedish: på deltid
- Thai: นอกเวลา
- Turkish: yarım gün
- Ukrainian: на частині ставки
- Vietnamese: bán thời gian
Chinese translation of 'part-time' adj - [work, staff, course, student]
兼职(職)的 (jiānzhí de)
adv - [work, study]
部分时(時)间(間)地 (bùfen shíjiān de)