any archlike structure, esp the arched band of white fibres at the base of the brain
Derived forms
fornical (ˈfornical)
Word origin
C17: from Latin; see fornicate2
Examples of 'fornices' in a sentence
On detailed examination, the larvae were observed on the bulbar conjunctiva and in fornices.
Dr. Pratik Modi, Dr. Purvi Bhagat, Dr. Kinjal Trivedi, Dr Nirav Modi 2017, 'A case report of Ophthalmic Myiasis in an urban setting.', BJ Kines: National Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
On review, the fornices had considerably deepened.
Raizada Kuldeep, Shome Debraj, Honavar Santosh 2008, 'Management of an irradiated anophthalmic socket following dermis-fat graft rejection:A case report', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology;year=2008;volume=56;issue=2;spage=147;epage=148;aulast=Raizada. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Contact with periocular tissues and instillation onto ocular surface or conjunctival fornices were considered.
Ozcan Kayikcioglu, Sinan Bilgin, Murat Uyar 2016, 'Review on the Eyedrop Self-Instillation Techniques and Factors Affecting These Techniquesin Glaucoma Patients', Scientifica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
On examination, there was an ulceroproliferative lesion in the cervical region with free fornices.
Amitabh Jena, Rashmi Patnayak 2016, 'Rare case of cervical cancer arising in bicornuate uterus', Journal of Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences;year=2016;volume=5;issue=3;spage=241;epage=243;aulast=Jena. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Epithelization was completed in two months, leaving well-formed fornices with good fitting of the prosthesis.
Biljana Kuzmanović Elabjer, Mladen Bušić, Daliborka Miletić, Mirjana Bjeloš, BornaŠarić, Damir Bosnar 2018, 'Single-Stage Orbital Socket Reconstruction Using the Oversized Dermis Fat Graft andthe 22 mm Silicone Orbital Implant after an Extended Enucleation', Case Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In anophthalmic patients, shallow lower fornices make wearing ocular prostheses impossible and maintaining normal social activities difficult.
Yi-Lin Liao, Shu-Ya Wu, Yueh-Ju Tsai 2019, 'Long-Term Results of Autologous Auricular Cartilage Graft Applied in AnophthalmicOrbits Unable to Wear Prosthesis', Journal of Ophthalmology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (