the analysis of a periodic function into its simple sinusoidal or harmonic components, whose sum forms a Fourier series
Fourier analysis in Electrical Engineering
(fʊərieɪ ənælɪsɪs)
Word forms: (plural) Fourier analyses
(Electrical engineering: Circuits, Communication)
Fourier analysis is the analysis of a periodic function into its simple sinusoidal or harmonic components,whose sum forms a Fourier series.
Fourier analysis is named for French mathematician Joseph Fourier (1768-1830).
The use of Fourier analysis simplifies the task of designing communication equipment.
Fourier analysis allows any signal to be constructed from a spectrum of frequencies, whence the circuit'sreaction to the various frequencies may be found.
Fourier analysis is the analysis of a periodic function into its simple sinusoidal or harmonic components,whose sum forms a Fourier series.