Patriarchy is a system in which men have all or most of the power and importance in a society or group.
The main cause of women's and children's oppression is patriarchy.
2. countable noun
A patriarchy is a patriarchal society.
patriarchy in British English
nounWord forms: plural-chies
a form of social organization in which a male is the head of the family and descent, kinship, and title are traced through the male line
any society governed by such a system
patriarchy in American English
nounWord forms: pluralˈpatriˌarchies
a form of social organization in which the father or the eldest male is recognized as the head of the family or tribe, descent and kinship being traced through the male line
government, rule, or domination by men, as in a family or tribe
Derived forms
patriarchic (ˌpatriˈarchic)
Word origin
Gr patriarchia: see patriarch
Examples of 'patriarchy' in a sentence
The capitalist patriarchy view argues that women are exploited as labourers in class terms but are also oppressed by patriarchy.
Lee Harvey Critical Social Research (1990)
Second, women are oppressed by both capitalism and by patriarchy.
Lee Harvey Critical Social Research (1990)
In presenting class and patriarchy as two competing frames of reference, the two appear mutually exclusive.
Langan, Mary (ed) Taking Child Abuse Seriously: Contemporary issues in child protection theory andpractice (1990)
It's partly to do with the deep patriarchy of Greek society.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
In other languages
British English: patriarchy NOUN
Patriarchy is a system in which men have all or most of the power and importance in a society or group.
...the establishment of patriarchy as a dominant organizational pattern.