Free-living amebae were recovered from approximately 43 % of the samples.
Byron Leiva, Emma Clasdotter, Ewert Linder, Jadwiga Winiecka-Krusnell 2008, 'Free-living Acanthamoeba and Naegleria spp. amebae in water sources of León, Nicaragua',Revista de Biología Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Amebae were identified using morphological and physiological criteria, immunohistochemical staining procedures and molecular methods.
Byron Leiva, Emma Clasdotter, Ewert Linder, Jadwiga Winiecka-Krusnell 2008, 'Free-living Acanthamoeba and Naegleria spp. amebae in water sources of León, Nicaragua',Revista de Biología Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Building evidence suggests environmentally ubiquitous amebae act as feral macrophages and hosts to many intracellular pathogens.
David W. Markman, Michael F. Antolin, Richard A. Bowen, William H. Wheat, MichaelWoods, Mercedes Gonzalez-Juarrero, Mary Jackson 2018, 'Yersinia pestis Survival and Replication in Potential Ameba Reservoir', Emerging Infectious Diseases Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
All related terms of 'amebae'
→ amoeba
any protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda , esp any of the genus Amoeba , able to change shape because of the movements of cell processes ( pseudopodia ). They live in fresh water or soil or as parasites in humans and animals
An amoeba is the smallest kind of living creature . Amoebae consist of only one cell, and are found in water or soil.
any protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda , esp any of the genus Amoeba , able to change shape because of the movements of cell processes ( pseudopodia ). They live in fresh water or soil or as parasites in humans and animals
any protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda , esp any of the genus Amoeba , able to change shape because of the movements of cell processes ( pseudopodia ). They live in fresh water or soil or as parasites in humans and animals