the study of the formation, characteristics, and distribution of soils
Derived forms
pedologic (ˌpiːdəˈlɒdʒɪk) or pedological (ˌpiːdəˈlɒdʒɪkəl)
pedologist (peˈdologist)
Examples of 'pedologic' in a sentence
Dealing with solute transfer or water and soil conservation, hydrologic research relies on pedologic descriptions.
Colard, F., Sohier, C., Degré, A., Rauw, J., Bauwens, A., Kummert, N., Beckers, E. 2011, 'L'hydrologie, une partenaire de la géomorphopédologie pour une gestion transéchelledes grands enjeux environnementaux', Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Hydrodynamic parameters are derived from pedologic information on soil.
Colard, F., Sohier, C., Degré, A., Rauw, J., Bauwens, A., Kummert, N., Beckers, E. 2011, 'L'hydrologie, une partenaire de la géomorphopédologie pour une gestion transéchelledes grands enjeux environnementaux', Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Pedagogic elements present in the minimum vocabulary suggest that pedologic knowledge could be popularized in elementary schools.
Adriana Araújo Diniz, Rui Bezerra Batista, Roseilton Fernandes dos Santos 2005, 'Popularização da taxonomia de solo: vocabulário mínimo e aspectos sócio-econômicosno contexto do ensino fundamental, em São Miguel, Esperança (PB) Popularization ofsoil taxonomy: minimum vocabulary and socioeconomical aspects in the context of anelementary school in São Miguel, Esperança County (Paraiba)', Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This text discusses how pedologic knowledge can reduce the negative effects caused by the urbanization process.
Fabrício de Araújo Pedron, Ricardo Simão Diniz Dalmolin, Antônio Carlos de Azevedo,João Kaminski 2004, 'Solos urbanos Urban soils', Ciência Rural Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
15 controlling or determining factors have been defined considering topographic, geologic, geomorphologic and pedologic available data.
D. Costanzo, E. Rotigliano, C. Irigaray, J. D. Jiménez-Perálvarez, J. Chacón 2012, 'Factors selection in landslide susceptibility modelling on large scale following thegis matrix method: application to the river Beiro basin (Spain)', Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The principal component analysis supported the understanding of the pedologic environment differences and similarities identified in the field.
J. B. V. Gomes, N. Curi, P. E. F. Motta, J. C. Ker, J. J. G. S. M. Marques, D. G.Schulze 2004, 'Análise de componentes principais de atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos desolos do bioma cerrado Principal component analysis of physical, chemical, and mineralogicalattributes of the cerrado biome soils', Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (