People sometimes refer to North America, Central America, and South America collectively as theAmericas.
They're found all over the Far East and the Americas.
Americas in British English
the Americas
All related terms of 'Americas'
the American continent , including North, South, and Central America
the Americas
the American continent , including North, South , and Central America
Central America
an isthmus joining the continents of North and South America, extending from the S border of Mexico to the NW border of Colombia and consisting of Belize , Guatemala , Honduras , El Salvador , Nicaragua , Costa Rica, and Panama . Area: about 518 000 sq km (200 000 sq miles)
Latin America
those areas of America whose official languages are Spanish and Portuguese , derived from Latin : South America, Central America, Mexico , and certain islands in the Caribbean
Little America
originally the chief US base in the Antarctic , on the Ross Ice Shelf : first established by Admiral Richard E. Byrd (1928); used for polar exploration . It closed in the 1960s
Middle America
Journalists use Middle America to refer to middle class people in America who are believed not to like change .
North America
the third largest continent , linked with South America by the Isthmus of Panama and bordering on the Arctic Ocean , the N Pacific, the N Atlantic , the Gulf of Mexico , and the Caribbean . It consists generally of a great mountain system (the Western Cordillera ) extending along the entire W coast, actively volcanic in the extreme north and south, with the Great Plains to the east and the Appalachians still further east, separated from the Canadian Shield by an arc of large lakes (Great Bear, Great Slave , Winnipeg , Superior , Michigan , Huron , Erie , Ontario ); reaches its greatest height of 6190 m (20 308 ft) in Denali, Alaska , and its lowest point of 86 m (282 ft) below sea level in Death Valley , California , and ranges from snowfields , tundra , and taiga in the north to deserts in the southwest and tropical forests in the extreme south. Pop: 332 156 000 (2005 est). Area: over 24 000 000 sq km (9 500 000 sq miles)
South America
the fourth largest of the continents , bordering on the Caribbean in the north, the Pacific in the west, and the Atlantic in the east and joined to Central America by the Isthmus of Panama . It is dominated by the Andes Mountains, which extend over 7250 km (4500 miles) and include many volcanoes ; ranges from dense tropical jungle , desert , and temperate plains to the cold wet windswept region of Tierra del Fuego. Pop ( Latin America and the Caribbean): 558 281 000 (2005 est). Area: 17 816 600 sq km (6 879 000 sq miles)
Spanish America
the parts of America colonized by Spaniards from the 16th century onwards and now chiefly Spanish-speaking: includes all of South America (except Brazil , Guyana , French Guiana , and Suriname), Central America (except Belize ), Mexico , Cuba , Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic , and a number of small Caribbean islands
British North America
British North America
(formerly) Canada or its constituent regions or provinces that formed part of the British Empire
Volunteers of America
a religious body aimed at reform and relief of human need and resembling the Salvation Army in organization and tenets , founded in New York City in 1896 by Ballington Booth
the United States
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
United States of America
a federal republic mainly in North America consisting of 50 states and the District of Columbia : colonized principally by the English and French in the 17th century, the indigenous inhabitants being gradually defeated and displaced ; 13 colonies under British rule made the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and became the United States after the War of American Independence. The northern states defeated the South in the Civil War (1861–65). It is the world's most productive industrial nation and also exports agricultural products. It consists generally of the Rocky Mountains in the west, the Great Plains in the centre, the Appalachians in the east, deserts in the southwest , and coastal lowlands and swamps in the southeast . Language: predominantly English; Spanish is also widely spoken. Religion : Christian majority . Currency : dollar . Capital: Washington , DC. Pop: 324 459 463 (2017 est). Area: 9 518 323 sq km (3 675 031 sq miles)
The USA is an abbreviation for the United States of America .
Confederate States of America
the 11 Southern states ( Alabama , Arkansas , Florida , Georgia , North Carolina , South Carolina, Texas , Virginia, Tennessee , Louisiana , and Mississippi ) that seceded from the Union in 1861, precipitating a civil war with the North. The Confederacy was defeated in 1865 and the South reincorporated into the US
Volunteers in Service to America
an organization of volunteers established by the Federal government in America to assist poor people
United Way
a worldwide organization ( United Way Worldwide ) or any of its affiliated local groups that raise funds through individual contributions and allocate them to benefit civic and charitable programs and organizations, as the YMCA and Red Cross