a disease caused by a dietary deficiency of nicotinic acid, characterized by burning or itching often followed by scaling of the skin, inflammation of the mouth, diarrhoea and mental disturbance
Derived forms
pellagrous (pelˈlagrous)
Word origin
C19: via Italian from pelle skin + -agra, from Greek agra paroxysm
pellagra in American English
(pəˈleɪgrə; pəˈlægrə)
a chronic disease caused by a deficiency of nicotinic acid in the diet and characterized by gastrointestinal disturbances, skin eruptions, and mental disorders: it is endemic in some parts of the world
Derived forms
pellagrous (pelˈlagrous)
Word origin
It < pelle (L pellis), the skin + -agra < Gr agra, seizure, akin to agein: see act1