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View usage for: (ˈɡæbɪ) adjectiveWord forms: -bier or -biest informal inclined to chatter; talkative Derived forms gabbiness (ˈgabbiness) noun gabby in American English (ˈgæbi) adjectiveWord forms: ˈgabbier or ˈgabbiest Informal inclined to chatter; talkative Derived forms gabbiness (ˈgabbiness) noun Examples of 'gabby' in a sentencegabby Daisy liked to keep a bottle in her room, and when she'd had a few sips she became even more gabby.'I was feeling too lousy to read the papers or listen to gabby voices -' He sipped his coffee, drew up his defences.Well, he-he- "The gabby neighbor was suddenly at a loss for words. Synonyms of 'gabby'talkative, gossiping, windy, gushing More Synonyms of gabby Synonyms gossiping gushing glib prattling mouthy prolix Additional synonymsDefinition (of a letter) informal and friendly She's quite a chatty person. Synonyms talkative, informal, effusive, garrulous, gabby (informal), gossipy, newsy (informal) Definition enthusiastically showing pleasure, gratitude, or approval He was effusive in his praise of the general. Synonyms demonstrative, enthusiastic, lavish, extravagant, overflowing, gushing, exuberant, expansive, ebullient, free-flowing, unrestrained, talkative, fulsome, profuse, unreservedDefinition constantly chattering I fell in with a set of garrulous would-be intellectuals. Synonyms talkative, gossiping, chattering, babbling, gushing, prating, chatty, long-winded, effusive, gabby (informal), prattling, voluble, gossipy, loquacious, verbose, mouthy - g'day
- gab
- gabble
- gabby
- gad
- gadabout
- gadget
Additional synonymsDefinition tiresomely long The manifesto is long-winded and repetitious. Synonyms rambling, prolonged, lengthy, tedious, diffuse, tiresome, wordy, long-drawn-out, garrulous, discursive, repetitious, overlong, verbose, prolixDefinition talkative The normally loquacious man said little. Synonyms talkative, chattering, babbling, chatty, wordy, garrulous, gabby (informal), voluble, gossipy, gassy (informal), blathering Definition (of a speech or piece of writing) overlong and boring Synonyms long-winded, long, boring, prolonged, lengthy, rambling, tedious, protracted, diffuse, tiresome, spun out, dragged out, wordy, long-drawn-out, discursive, verbose, digressive, full of verbiage Definition using more words than is necessary When drunk, he becomes pompous and verbose. Synonyms long-winded, wordy, garrulous, windy, diffuse, prolix, tautological, circumlocutory, periphrastic, pleonasticDefinition talking easily and at length Bert is a voluble, gregarious man. Synonyms talkative, garrulous, loquacious, forthcoming, articulate, fluent, glib, blessed with the gift of the gab Definition long-winded or pompous I have a horror of turning into a windy old bore. Synonyms pompous, empty, rambling, diffuse, meandering, long-winded, turgid, wordy, garrulous, bombastic, boastful, loquacious, verbose, prolixDefinition using too many words, esp. long words His speech is full of wordy rhetoric. Synonyms long-winded, rambling, windy, diffuse, garrulous, discursive, loquacious, verbose, prolix, pleonastic (rare) |