

单词 back to front

Examples of 'back to front' in a sentence
back to front

Make sure you can recite the whole thing -- upside down, back to front, in your sleep.His maroon cap was turned back to front, allowing his tangle of black hair to fall forward over his eyes.It gave him no pain, though there was little doubt he was skewered from back to front.

Chinese translation of 'back to front'

back to front

  1. (esp Brit) 前后(後)倒置 (qiánhòu dàozhì)
    ⇒ You've got your T-shirt on back to front. 你把T恤衫前后穿反了。 (Nǐ bǎ T xù shān qiánhòu chuānfǎn le.)
See back (sense 15)

Nearby words of
back to front

  • back onto
  • back out
  • back pain
  • back to front
  • back up
  • back/muscle strain
  • backache




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