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View usage for: (sɔːʳdɪd) 1. adjectiveIf you describe someone's behaviour as sordid, you mean that it is immoral or dishonest. [disapproval] He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed. I don't want to hear the sordid details of your relationship with Sandra. She listened to Kate's explanation of the sordid affair. Synonyms: base, degraded, shameful, low More Synonyms of sordid 2. adjectiveIf you describe a place as sordid, you mean that it is dirty, unpleasant, or depressing. [disapproval] ...the attic windows of their sordid little rooms. Synonyms: dirty, seedy, sleazy, squalid More Synonyms of sordid More Synonyms of sordid sordid in British English (ˈsɔːdɪd) adjective1. dirty, foul, or squalid 2. degraded; vile; base a sordid affair 3. selfish and grasping sordid avarice Derived forms sordidly (ˈsordidly) adverb sordidness (ˈsordidness) noun Word origin C16: from Latin sordidus, from sordēre to be dirty sordid in American English (ˈsɔrdɪd) adjective1. b. squalid; depressingly wretched 2. b. mercenary, avaricious, grasping, or meanly selfish SIMILAR WORDS: base Derived forms sordidly (ˈsordidly) adverb sordidness (ˈsordidness) noun Word origin Fr sordide < L sordidus < sordes, filth < IE base * swordo(s)-, black, dirty > swarthy, Ger schwarzExamples of 'sordid' in a sentencesordid The sordid affair had wrecked my life for too long.You can read the sordid details elsewhere.Murder and sordid affairs in a holiday camp?There is a twist to his sordid tale.He is unable to remember the sordid detail.And who can resist such a sordid and seductive tale?He will also want to know whether the matter is now closed or further sordid details could still emerge.Unless the affair was truly sordid.This is a sordid tale, splendidly told.Being honest, an hour of this sort of sordid tale can get a bit much though.I just hope we do not hear about any more celeb sordid tales and trials.Not only did he steal from me, he did it while having a sordid affair behind my back.I am emotionally ruined because of his sordid, secret affair.Just a sordid little punch-up.His lyrics reflected life's brutal, sordid details with biting wit and infectious humour.The Conway saga is a sordid tale of grubby politics, naked greed and social ambition.The bank probe into internal emails and instant messages has also allegedly unearthed other City traders' sordid behaviour.He said: 'You will hear all sorts of sordid details in relation to this case but this is not a court of morals. British English: sordid ADJECTIVE If you describe someone's behaviour as sordid, you mean that it is immoral or dishonest. He sat with his head buried in his hands as his sordid double life was revealed. - American English: sordid
- Brazilian Portuguese: sórdido
- Chinese: 卑鄙的
- European Spanish: sórdido
- French: sordide
- German: elend
- Italian: sordido
- Japanese: 卑しい
- Korean: 비도덕적인
- European Portuguese: sórdido
- Latin American Spanish: sórdido
Chinese translation of 'sordid' adj - [place]
污秽(穢)的 (wūhuì de) - [behaviour]
卑鄙的 (bēibǐ de)
Definition involving immoral and selfish behaviour He put his head in his hands as his sordid life was exposed. Synonyms Opposites pure , decent , noble , upright , honourable , blameless Definition dirty, depressing, and squalid the attic windows of their sordid little rooms Synonyms wretched skanky (slang) slummy festy (Australian, slang) Opposites clean , spotless , fresh , pure , squeaky-clean , unblemished , unsullied , undefiled Definition involving immoral and selfish behaviour Additional synonymsI sacrificed my career so that my avaricious brother could succeed. Synonyms grasping, greedy, acquisitive, stingy, mean, miserable, rapacious, penny-pinching, parsimonious, miserly, niggardly, covetous, penurious, close-fisted, tight-arsed (taboo, slang), tight-assed (US, taboo, slang), snoep (South Africa, informal), tight as a duck's arse (taboo, slang) Definition jealously longing to possess something His sports car was attracting covetous stares. Synonyms envious, jealous, yearning, greedy, acquisitive, rapacious, avaricious, grasping, mercenaryDefinition immoral; sexually corrupt a debauched circus performer in nineteenth-century Poland Synonyms corrupt, abandoned, perverted, degraded, degenerate, immoral, dissipated, sleazy, depraved, wanton, debased, profligate, dissolute, licentious, pervy (slang) - soppy
- sorcerer
- sorcery
- sordid
- sore
- sorrow
- sorrowful
Additional synonymsDefinition having deteriorated to a lower mental, moral, or physical level the degenerate attitudes he found among some of his fellow officers Synonyms depraved, base, corrupt, fallen, low, perverted, degraded, degenerated, immoral, decadent, debased, debauched, dissolute, pervy (slang) morally degraded individuals Synonyms corrupt, low, base, abandoned, vicious, vile, sordid, decadent, despicable, depraved, debased, profligate, disreputable, debauched, dissolute, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition deserving contempt He said it was a despicable crime. Synonyms contemptible, mean, low, base, cheap (informal), infamous, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, shameful, vile, sordid, pitiful, abject, hateful, reprehensible, ignominious, disreputable, wretched, scurvy (old-fashioned), detestable, scungy (Australian, New Zealand), beyond contempt Definition having or causing a bad reputation the noisiest and most disreputable bars Synonyms discreditable, mean, low, base, shocking, disorderly, notorious, vicious, infamous, disgraceful, shameful, vile, shady (informal), scandalous, ignominious, contemptible, louche, unprincipled, dishonourable, opprobriousThe water looks stale and filthy. Synonyms dirty, nasty, foul, polluted, vile, squalid, slimy, unclean, putrid, faecal, scummy, scuzzy (slang, US), skanky (slang), feculent, festy (Australian, slang) Definition full of dirt or offensive matter foul, polluted water Synonyms dirty, rank, offensive, nasty, disgusting, unpleasant, revolting, contaminated, rotten, polluted, stinking, filthy, tainted, grubby, repellent, squalid, repulsive, sullied, grimy, nauseating, loathsome, unclean, impure, grotty (slang), fetid, grungy (slang), putrid, malodorous, noisome, scuzzy (slang), skanky (slang), mephitic, olid, yucky or yukky (slang), festy (Australian, slang), yucko (Australian, slang) Definition greedy for money She is a grasping and manipulative young woman. Synonyms greedy, acquisitive, rapacious, mean, selfish, stingy, penny-pinching (informal), venal, miserly, avaricious, niggardly, covetous, tightfisted, close-fisted, tight-arsed (taboo, slang), usurious, tight-assed (US, taboo, slang), snoep (South Africa, informal), tight as a duck's arse (taboo, slang) Definition unworthy or contemptible That was a really low trick. Synonyms contemptible, mean, base, nasty, cowardly, degraded, vulgar, vile, sordid, abject, unworthy, despicable, depraved, menial, reprehensible, dastardly (old-fashioned), scurvy (old-fashioned), servile, unprincipled, dishonourable, ignobleDefinition shabby and poor He was raised in the mean streets of the central market district. Synonyms shabby, poor, miserable, rundown, beggarly, seedy, scruffy, sordid, paltry, squalid, tawdry, low-rent (informal), contemptible, wretched, down-at-heel, grungy (slang), scuzzy (slang, US) He is miserly with both his time and his money. Synonyms mean, stingy, penny-pinching (informal), parsimonious, close, near (informal), grasping, beggarly, illiberal, avaricious, niggardly, ungenerous, covetous, penurious, tightfisted, close-fisted, tight-arsed (taboo, slang), mingy (British, informal), tight-assed (US, taboo, slang), snoep (South Africa, informal), tight as a duck's arse (taboo, slang) Additional synonymsDefinition not generous Officials say the EU is being particularly niggardly with these funds. Synonyms stingy, mean, avaricious, ungenerous, close, near (informal), sparing, grudging, mercenary, frugal, parsimonious, penurious, tightfisted, Scrooge-like, tight-arse (taboo, slang), tight-arsed (taboo, slang), tight-ass (US, taboo, slang), tight-assed (US, taboo, slang), snoep (South Africa, informal), tight as a duck's arse (taboo, slang) Definition miserable, sordid, or dirty He was living in some scungy flat on the outskirts of town. Synonyms sordid, seedy, sleazy, squalid, mean, dirty, foul, filthy, unclean, wretched, seamy, slovenly, skanky (slang), slummy, festy (Australian, slang) Definition involving the sordid and unpleasant aspects of life, such as crime, prostitution, poverty, and violence the seamier side of life Synonyms sordid, unpleasant, squalid, low, dark, rough, nasty, corrupt, degraded, disagreeable, disreputable, unwholesome, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) They suck you into their seedy world. Synonyms sleazy, sordid, squalid, low, nastyDefinition inclined to promote only one's own profit or interests Politicians are untrustworthy self-seeking creatures. Synonyms selfish, self-interested, mercenary, calculating, opportunistic, self-serving, acquisitive, on the make (slang), careerist, gold-digging, fortune-hunting, looking out for number one (informal), out for what you can get Definition (of behaviour or attitude) motivated by self-interest the selfish interests of a few people Synonyms self-centred, self-interested, greedy, mercenary, self-seeking, ungenerous, egoistic or egoistical, egotistic or egotistical, looking out for number one (informal) Definition behaving in a mean or unfair way It was hard to know why the man deserved such shabby treatment. Synonyms mean, low, rotten (informal), cheap, dirty, shameful, low-down (informal), shoddy, unworthy, despicable, contemptible, scurvy (old-fashioned), dishonourable, ignoble, ungentlemanly Definition causing or deserving shame It is a shameful state of affairs. Synonyms disgraceful, outrageous, scandalous, mean, low, base, infamous, indecent, degrading, vile, wicked, atrocious, unworthy, reprehensible, ignominious, dastardly (old-fashioned), unbecoming, dishonourableDefinition dirty, rundown, and not respectable sleazy bars Synonyms squalid, seedy, sordid, low, rundown, tacky (informal), disreputable, crummy (slang), scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition always unclean or untidy He was gruff, slovenly, and given to brooding. Synonyms untidy, disorderly, unkempt, slatternly (old-fashioned), daggy (Australian, New Zealand, informal) Additional synonymsSynonyms squalid, rundown, decayed, overcrowded, seedy, sleazy, sordid, wretched, scungy (Australian, New Zealand) Definition dirty, untidy, and in bad condition The migrants have been living in squalid conditions. Synonyms dirty, filthy, seedy, sleazy, sordid, low, nasty, foul, disgusting, rundown, decayed, repulsive, poverty-stricken, unclean, fetid, slovenly, skanky (slang), slummy, yucky or yukky (slang), yucko (Australian, slang), festy (Australian, slang) Definition lacking moral, spiritual, or physical cleanliness By bathing in unclean water, they expose themselves to contamination. Synonyms dirty, soiled, foul, contaminated, polluted, nasty, filthy, defiled, impure, scuzzy (slang, US), skanky (slang), festy (Australian, slang) Definition willing to accept bribes in return for acting dishonestly venal and totally corrupt politicians Synonyms corrupt, bent (slang), crooked (informal), prostituted (old-fashioned, derogatory), grafting (informal), mercenary, sordid, rapacious, unprincipled, dishonourable, corruptible, purchasablea vicious criminal incapable of remorse Synonyms depraved, corrupt, wicked, infamous, degraded, worthless, degenerate, immoral, sinful, debased, profligate, unprincipledDefinition morally wicked a vile and despicable crime Synonyms wicked, base, evil, mean, bad, low, shocking, appalling, ugly, corrupt, miserable, vicious, humiliating, perverted, coarse, degrading, worthless, disgraceful, vulgar, degenerate, abject, sinful, despicable, depraved, debased, loathsome, contemptible, impure, wretched, nefarious, ignoble |