a fine adjustment that ensures correct function or alignment
verbWord forms: trams, tramming or trammed
2. (transitive)
to adjust (a mechanism) to a fine degree of accuracy
Word origin
C19: short for trammel
All related terms of 'trammed'
A tram is a public transport vehicle, usually powered by electricity from wires above it, which travels along rails laid in the surface of a street .
a fine adjustment that ensures correct function or alignment
a hindrance to free action or movement
a hindrance to free action or movement
a hindrance to free action or movement
trammel net
a hindrance to free action or movement
A tub is a deep container of any size .
a low wide open container , typically round, originally one made of wood and used esp for washing : now made of wood, plastic , metal, etc, and used in a variety of domestic and industrial situations
a low wide open container , typically round, originally one made of wood and used esp for washing : now made of wood, plastic , metal, etc, and used in a variety of domestic and industrial situations
a low wide open container , typically round, originally one made of wood and used esp for washing : now made of wood, plastic , metal, etc, and used in a variety of domestic and industrial situations