perforating; esp (of blood vessels) perforating other anatomical structures
the perforant pathway
Examples of 'perforant' in a sentence
Evidence linking perforant path changes to cognitive decline, however, has been largely correlational.
Sara N. Burke, Sara N. Burke, Sean M. Turner, Courtney L. Desrosiers, Sarah A. Johnson,Andrew P. Maurer, Andrew P. Maurer, Andrew P. Maurer 2018, 'Perforant Path Fiber Loss Results in Mnemonic Discrimination Task Deficits in YoungRats', Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
No significant differences were observed in the activity evoked by the perforant pathway.
Elliot B. Bourgeois, Brian N. Johnson, Almedia J. McCoy, Lorenzo Trippa, Akiva S.Cohen, Eric D. Marsh 2014, 'A Toolbox for Spatiotemporal Analysis of Voltage-Sensitive Dye Imaging Data in BrainSlices', PLoS ONE10.1371/journal.pone.0108686. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Stimulation and stability electrodes had been placed, in turn, on perforant path and dentate gyrus.
Ali Yadollahpour, S. Mohammed Firoozabadi, S. Javad Mirnajafizade 2015, 'Investigating the Anticonvulsant Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulationon Perforant Path Kindling Model in Rats', Majallah-i taḥqīqāt-i ̒ulūm-i pizishkī-i Zāhidān Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Electrical stimulation includes perforant path and self-sustaining stimulation models.
Ramkumar Kuruba, Doodipala Samba Reddy 2013, 'Experimental Models of Status Epilepticus and Neuronal Injury for Evaluation of TherapeuticInterventions', International Journal of Molecular Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Similarly, dentate granule cells receive differential inputs from the medial and lateral entorhinal cortices through the perforant pathway.
Carlos eDe La Rosa Prieto, Miguel eDe Moya Pinilla, Daniel eSaiz-Sanchez, Isabel eUbeda-banon,Dulce María Arzate, Alicia eFlores-Cuadrado, Teresa eLiberia Vaya, Carlos eCrespo,Alino eMartinez-Marcos 2015, 'Olfactory and cortical projections to bulbar and hippocampal adult-born neurons',Frontiers in Neuroanatomy Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
When entorhinal input to the perforant path was acutely silenced, hippocampal firing patterns became destabilized and underwent extensive remapping.
Rong Zhao, Stacy D. Grunke, Madhusudhanan M. Keralapurath, Michael J. Yetman, AlexanderLam, Tang-Cheng Lee, Konstantinos Sousounis, Yongying Jiang, Deborah A. Swing, LinoTessarollo, Daoyun Ji, Joanna L. Jankowsky 2016, 'Impaired Recall of Positional Memory following Chemogenetic Disruption of Place FieldStability', Cell Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We demonstrate probability maps and fiber tracking from diffusion tensor data that allows the direct visualization of the perforant pathway.
Jean C Augustinack, Karl Helmer, Kristen E Huber, Sita Kakunoori, Lilla Zöllei,Lilla Zöllei, Bruce Fischl, Bruce Fischl 2010, 'Direct visualization of the perforant pathway in the human brain with ex vivo diffusiontensor imaging', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (