Gelatin is a clear tasteless powder that is used to make liquids become firm, for example when you are making desserts.
gelatin in American English
the tasteless, odorless, brittle mixture of proteins extracted by boiling skin, bones, horns, etc.; also, a similar vegetable substance: gelatin dissolves in hot water, forming a jellylike substance when cool, and is used in the preparation of various foods, medicine capsules, photographic film, etc.
something, as a jelly, made with gelatin
a sheet of translucent, colored material, placed over stage lights for special effects
Also ˈgelatine (ˈdʒɛlətin; ˈgɛlətɪn)
Word origin
Fr gélatine < It gelatina < gelata, a jelly < pp. of L gelare, to freeze < IE base *gel-, to freeze > cool, L gelu, frost
Examples of 'gelatin' in a sentence
As if pushing through gelatin, the sound arrived late at his ears.