Gender is the state of being male or female in relation to the social and cultural roles that are considered appropriate for men and women.
It is illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, gender or sexual orientation.
Gender stereotyping can be as damaging for men as it can for women.
Some people experience a mismatch between their gender identity and their biologicalsex.
2. countable noun
You can use gender to refer to one of a range of identities that includes female, male, a combination of both, and neither.
Membership is open to people of all genders.
The new law would allow people to change gender by filling in a form.
Each of them identifies with a different gender from the one they were born with.
3. variable noun
Some people refer to the fact that a person is male or female as his or her gender.
Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.
Synonyms: sex More Synonyms of gender
4. countable noun
Some people refer to all male people or all female people as a particular gender.
...the different abilities and skills of the two genders.
5. variable noun
In grammar, the gender of a noun, pronoun, or adjective is whether it is masculine, feminine, or neuter. A word's gender can affect its form and behaviour. In English, only personal pronouns such as 'she', reflexive pronouns such as 'itself', and possessive determiners such as 'his' have gender.
In both Welsh and Irish the word for 'moon' is of feminine gender.
English Easy Learning GrammarGender of nounsIn some languages, nouns have gender. This means that a noun causes other words suchas adjectives to change their spelling according to certain rules. ... Read more
gender in British English
the state of being male or female with reference to socially and culturally defined characteristics of masculinity or femininity
2. informal
all the members of one sex
the female gender
3. informal
the state of being male, female, or neuter
a set of two or more grammatical categories into which the nouns of certain languages are divided, sometimes but not necessarily corresponding to the sex of the referent when animate
See also natural gender
any of the categories, such as masculine, feminine, neuter, or common, within such a set
Derived forms
genderless (ˈgenderless)
Word origin
C14: from Old French gendre, from Latin genus kind
gender in American English1
1. Grammar
the formal classification by which nouns are grouped and inflected, or changed in form, so as to reflect certain syntactic relationships: pronouns, modifiers, and verbs may also be so inflected: although gender is not a formal feature of English, some nouns and the third person singular pronouns are distinguished according to sex or the lack of sex (Ex.: man or he, masculine gender; woman or she, feminine gender; door or it, neuter gender): in most Indo-European languages, as well as in many others, gender is not necessarily correlated with sex
any one of such groupings, or an inflectional form showing membership in such a group
the fact or condition of being a male or a female human being, esp. with regard to how this affects or determines a person's self-image, social status, goals, etc.
Word origin
ME < OFr gendre, with unhistoric -d- < L genus (gen. generis), descent, origin, transl. Gr genos, race, class, sex: see genus
gender in American English2
verb transitive, verb intransitivearchaic var. of
gender in Insurance
(Insurance: Underwriting)
Gender is the state of being male or female.
The three main variables in a mortality table are age, gender, and use of tobacco.
For auto insurance, gender is taken into consideration, as statistically, males have more accidents than females.
Gender is the state of being male or female.
Examples of 'gender' in a sentence
Any great actor of any colour, age or gender should want to play that part.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Yet the gender gap that emerged was not as pronounced as the Democrats had hoped.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Another online tool landed last week that is just as gripping: one that shows the gender pay gap in your occupation.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
You can blame it on your genes, gender, age or the bacteria in your gut.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
There are now 90,000 more women than men in our universities - a record gender gap.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The findings showed that predicted heart failure survival was influenced by age, gender, other health conditions and blood pressure.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
Perhaps they are just ignored and allowed to grow old until the male gender slowly fades away.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
You can see the difference in languages that distinguish nouns by gender.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
Way to correct the age old gender imbalance!
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Each subject now identifies with a different gender from the one they were born with.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
The charity has also highlighted a significant gap in gender pay across the industry.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The surgery follows a lifelong battle against his female gender.
The Sun (2013)
The rise of the machines will also affect gender equality at work.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
This is true for both genders and irrespective of schooling.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Gender and age are universally used to assign different economic tasks.
Harris, Marvin Cultural Anthropology (1995)
And when it comes to gender equality no one can touch them.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Pastors feel the effects of the gender gap week in and week out.
Christianity Today (2000)
People are warned against childbearing after any form of treatment that affects their gender.
The Sun (2008)
The same seems to be true of gender differences.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
It wasn't just the gender of nouns that changed.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
The exemption allows religions to apply a requirement that a person must be of a particular gender to hold a specific position within that religion.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
In other languages
British English: gender /ˈdʒɛndə/ NOUN
A person's gender is the fact that they are male or female.
Type in your height, weight, and gender.
American English: gender
Arabic: جِنْس
Brazilian Portuguese: gênero gramática
Chinese: 性别
Croatian: rod
Czech: pohlaví
Danish: køn
Dutch: geslacht
European Spanish: género
Finnish: sukupuoli
French: genre masculin/féminin
German: Geschlecht
Greek: γένος
Italian: sesso
Japanese: 性
Korean: 성
Norwegian: kjønn
Polish: płeć
European Portuguese: género gramática
Romanian: sex
Russian: пол
Latin American Spanish: género
Swedish: kön
Thai: เพศ
Turkish: cinsiyet
Ukrainian: рід
Vietnamese: giới tính
All related terms of 'gender'
gender bias
prejudice based on gender
gender gap
the apparent disparity between men and women in values, attitudes , voting patterns , etc.
gender role
a role that is determined by a person's gender
People sometimes use gender-bender to refer to a man who dresses or behaves like a woman, or a woman who dresses or behaves like a man. This use could cause offence .
not discriminating on the basis of gender , or not making a distinction between genders
not identifying exclusively with any gender
third gender
a category of people who do not identify as being entirely male or female
causing a change of sex
gender identity
a person's understanding of having a particular gender , which may or may not correspond with the assumed gender assigned to them at birth
applicable to, common to, or suitable for both female and male genders
gender politics
debate about the roles and relations of men and women
of or limited to either males or females
gender studies
an interdisciplinary subject that is concerned with questions relating to gender
gender variance
the phenomenon by which a person's identity or behaviour may not not conform to culturally defined norms associated with a specific gender
natural gender
grammatical gender that reflects , as in English, the sex or animacy of the referent of a noun rather than the form or any other feature of the word
gender dysphoria
a condition in which a person feels uncertainty or anxiety about the assumed gender assigned to them at birth
gender imbalance
If there is an imbalance in a situation , the things involved are not the same size, or are not the right size in proportion to each other.
gender selection
choosing the sex of a baby
grammatical gender
gender based on arbitrary assignment , without regard to the referent of a noun , as in French le livre ( masculine ), “the book,” and German das Mädchen ( neuter ), “the girl ”
the gender gap
the difference in the attitudes , behaviour, abilities , etc, of men and women, or boys and girls
gender disappointment
a feeling of depression or anxiety experienced by an expectant parent when the sex of the baby does not match his or her preference
gender discrimination
Discrimination is the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups.
gender reassignment
Gender reassignment is the process of changing a person's physical sexual characteristics from male to female or from female to male with an operation and other medical procedures .
Chinese translation of 'gender'
(sex) 性 (xìng)
(Ling) 性 (xìng)
the state of being male, female, or neuter
Women are sometimes denied opportunities solely because of their gender.