the point in its orbit around the earth when the moon or an artificial satellite is nearest the earth
Compare apogee (sense 1)
Derived forms
perigean (ˌperiˈgean) or perigeal (ˌperiˈgeal)
Word origin
C16: via French from Greek perigeion, from peri- + gē earth
perigee in American English
the point in the orbit of a heavenly body, esp. the moon, or of an artificial satellite at which it is nearest to theearth
Derived forms
Word origin
[1585–95; ‹ F perigée ‹ NL perigēum, perigaeum ‹ Gk perígeion (sēmeîon limit), neut. of perígeios near, of the earth, equiv. to peri-peri- + -geios, adj. deriv. of gaîa, gê the earth]