occurring or operating adjacent to the margin of a glacier
Word origin
[1925–30; peri- + glacial]This word is first recorded in the period 1925–30. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: buildup, dropout, gimmick, off-line, runoutperi- is a prefix meaning “about” or “around” (perimeter, periscope), “enclosing” or “surrounding” (pericardium), and “near” (perigee, perihelion), appearing in loanwords from Greek (peripeteia). On this model, peri- is used in the formation of compound words (perimorph)
Examples of 'periglacial' in a sentence
Glacial and periglacial environments are highly sensitive to climatic changes.
L. Carturan, G. Blasone, S. Calligaro, A. Carton, F. Cazorzi, G. Dalla Fontana, D.Moro 2014, 'HIGH-RESOLUTION MONITORING OF CURRENT RAPID TRANSFORMATIONS ON GLACIAL AND PERIGLACIALENVIRONMENTS', The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial InformationScienceshttp://www.int-arch-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/XL-5-W3/39/2013/isprsarchives-XL-5-W3-39-2013.pdf. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
More minor variations are probably governed by periglacial erosion and faulting.
Jonathan D. Paul 2016, 'High-resolution geological maps of central London, UK: Comparisons with the LondonUnderground', Geoscience Frontiershttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1674987115000638. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Cryogenic land surface processes characterise the periglacial realm and control landscape development and ecosystem functioning.
Juha Aalto, Stephan Harrison, Miska Luoto 2017, 'Statistical modelling predicts almost complete loss of major periglacial processesin Northern Europe by 2100', Nature Communicationshttp://link.springer.com/article/10.1038/s41467-017-00669-3. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The upper periglacial limits are the highest of the world.
Schroder, H., Makki, M. 2000, 'Morfología periglacial del volcán Llullaillaco (Chile/Argentina)', Pirineos: Revista de Ecología de Montañahttp://pirineos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/pirineos/article/view/86/86. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Possible present-day and past permafrost, nivation and freeze-thaw processes during the stages of periglacial activity areanalysed.
Caridad Zazo Cardeña, Jose Luis Goy Goy, Raquel Cruz Ramos 2009, 'El registro periglaciar en la Sierra del Barco (Sistema Central) y su relación conel sistema glaciar pleistoceno', Finisterra - Revista Portuguesa de Geografiahttp://www.ceg.ul.pt/finisterra/numeros/2009-87/87_01.pdf. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Geomorphological field work comprised visual observations of glacial and periglacial landforms and sampling of efflorescences and glacial deposits.
Hiroshi Makimoto, Masao Asami, Masamu Aniya, Masahisa Hayashi, Edwqrd S. Grew 1988, 'Report on the geological and geomorphological survey at Mt.Vechernyaya and Mt.Riiser-Larsen,Enderby Land, 1988 (JARE-29)', Antarctic Recordhttp://doi.org/10.15094/00008603. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Periglacial lake sediment records can be used to examine centennial and millennial scale variations in alpine and montane vegetation compositions.
Colin J Courtney Mustaphi, Konrad Gajewski, Rob Marchant, Gunhild Rosqvist 2017, 'A late Holocene pollen record from proglacial Oblong Tarn, Mount Kenya.', PLoS ONEhttp://europepmc.org/articles/PMC5604990?pdf=render. Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
The paper determines genetic factors of earth hummocks that are found below the lower limit of the periglacial processes.
Milošević Marko V., Milivojević Milovan, Ćalić Jelena 2007, 'Earth hummocks in the regions of Vlasina and Krajište, Southern Serbia', Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društvahttp://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-3593/2007/0350-35930701039M.pdf. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Morphological and analytical results show that the pedon was homogeneous before being modified by several periglacial episodes.
Simón, M., García, I., Cabezas, O., Sánchez, S., Gómez-Ortiz, A. 1994, 'Terrenos configurados ordenados en la alta montaña mediterránea', Pirineos: Revista de Ecología de Montañahttp://pirineos.revistas.csic.es/index.php/pirineos/article/view/157/156. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
Besides karst and fluvio-karst processes, the derasion and periglacial processes have been mostexpressed at the relief formation.
Dražen Perica, Andrija Bognar, Sanja Lozić 2002, 'Geomorphological Features of the Baške Oštarije Karst Polje', Geoadriahttp://hrcak.srce.hr/file/14767. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)