Soul food is used to refer to the kind of food, for example corn bread, ham, and greens, that was popular with black Americans in the southern United States and is considered typical of them.
[mainly US]
Soul food is a varied cuisine: it includes spicy gumbos, black-eyed peas, and collardgreens.
soul food in British English
food, such as chitterlings or yams, traditionally eaten by Black people in the southern US
soul food in American English
items of food popular originally in the South, esp. among blacks, such as chitterlings, ham hocks, yams, corn bread, and collardgreens
Examples of 'soul food' in a sentence
soul food
But it was still part of the menu that Ting thought of as soul food.
James Birrell THE MANANA MAN (2002)
We'd gone to church as planned, and Mom had met us afterward for dinner at Ledora's, the only soul food restaurant in Mitchell.