Periwinkle is a plant that grows along the ground and has blue flowers.
2. countable noun
Periwinkles are small sea snails that can be eaten.
periwinkle in British English1
any of various edible marine gastropods of the genus Littorina, esp L. littorea, having a spirally coiled shell
Often shortened to: winkle
Word origin
C16: of unknown origin
periwinkle in British English2
1. Also called (US): creeping myrtle, trailing myrtle
any of several Eurasian apocynaceous evergreen plants of the genus Vinca, such as V. minor (lesser periwinkle) and V. major (greater periwinkle), having trailing stems and blue flowers
a light purplish-blue colour
(as adjective)
a periwinkle coat
Word origin
C14 pervenke, from Old English perwince, from Late Latin pervinca
periwinkle in American English1
any of a genus (Vinca) of trailing or erect, evergreen plants of the dogbane family; esp., a creeper (V. minor) with blue, white, or pink flowers, grown as a ground cover
Word origin
ME pervinke < OE peruince < L pervinca, periwinkle < pervincire, to entwine, bind < per- (see per1) + vincire, to bind, fetter < IE base *weig-: see weak
periwinkle in American English2
any of a family (Littorinidae) of small, intertidal saltwater snails having a thick, globular shell: some species are edible
the shell of such a snail
Word origin
< OE pinewincle < L pina, mussel (< Gr) + OE -wincle, akin to Dan dial. vinkel, snail shell, OE winkel, corner < IE *weng-, to be curved > winch