the reciprocal of the reluctance of a magnetic circuit
Symbol: Λ
Derived forms
permeant (ˈpermeant)
adjective, noun
permeance in American English
a permeating or being permeated
the reciprocal of magnetic reluctance
permeance in American English
the act of permeating
the conducting power of a magnetic circuit for magnetic flux; the reciprocal of magnetic reluctance
Word origin
[1835–45; perme(ant) + -ance]This word is first recorded in the period 1835–45. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: basic, communism, crosshead, placement, serial-ance is a suffix used to form nouns either from adjectives in -ant or from verbs. Other words that use the affix -ance include: Renaissance, alliance, dominance, performance, resonance
Examples of 'permeance' in a sentence
Model prediction for permeance/selectivity corresponded perfectly with experimental data for the thicker membranes.
Roman Selyanchyn, Miho Ariyoshi, Shigenori Fujikawa 2018, 'Thickness Effect on CO2/N2 Separation in Double Layer Pebax-1657®/PDMSMembranes', Membranes Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The drying of the membrane induces further permeance drop-off.
Dmitrii I. Petukhov, Dmitrii A. Buldakov, Alexey A. Tishkin, Alexey V. Lukashin, AndreiA. Eliseev 2017, 'Liquid permeation and chemical stability of anodic alumina membranes', Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The performance of the membranes could be increased with respect to permeance and flux recovery under cross-flow conditions.
Thomas Bucher, Juliana I. Clodt, Andrej Grabowski, Martin Hein, Volkan Filiz 2017, 'Colour-Value Based Method for Polydopamine Coating-Stability Characterization on PolyethersulfoneMembranes', Membranes Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The method introduces the notion of complex relative air-gap permeance to take into account the effect of slotting.
Zhen Tian, Chengning Zhang, Shuo Zhang 2017, 'Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Field Distribution and Stator Iron Losses for Surface-MountedPermanent Magnet Synchronous Machines', Energies Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
At very low thickness, rough membranes have a permeance greater than that of membranes with flat surfaces.
Giuseppe Firpo, Elena Angeli, Patrizia Guida, Roberto Lo Savio, Luca Repetto, UgoValbusa 2018, 'Gas permeation through rubbery polymer nano-corrugated membranes', Scientific Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The morphology, hydrophobicity, permeance to limonene, and thermal stability of the resultant nanostructured coatings were characterized.
Juliana Lasprilla-Botero, Sergio Torres-Giner, Maria Pardo-Figuerez, Mónica Álvarez-Láinez,Jose M. Lagaron 2018, 'Superhydrophobic Bilayer Coating Based on Annealed Electrospun Ultrathin Poly(ε-caprolactone)Fibers and Electrosprayed Nanostructured Silica Microparticles for Easy Emptying PackagingApplications', Coatings Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The obtained activation energies for the permeance of gases were correlated with different physical characteristics of permeates.
Kata Galić, Nada Ciković 2003, 'The Effect of Liquid Absorption on Gas Barrier Properties of Triplex Film Coated withSilicon Oxide', Food Technology and Biotechnology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Nevertheless, the smoothness and air permeance of these papers were unsatisfactory due to insufficient curing shown by the micrographs.
Wong Sin Yeng, Paridah Md. Tahir, Liew Kang Chiang 2017, 'SUITABILITY OF SAGO STARCH BLENDED WITH ACRYLAMIDE AS AN ADDITIVE ON HANDSHEETSMADE FROM RECYCLED PULP FIBERS', ASEAN Journal on Science and Technology for Development Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
In addition, the torque ripple can be minimized by regulating the harmonic components of the permeance in the analytical equations.
Daekyu Jang, Junghwan Chang 2017, 'A Novel Design Method for the Geometric Shapes of Flux Modulation Poles in the Surface-MountedPermanent Magnet Vernier Machines', Energies Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Here, the authors use sacrificial nanoparticles in the membrane fabrication process, leading to crumpled structures with ultrahigh permeance.
Zhenyi Wang, Zhangxin Wang, Shihong Lin, Huile Jin, Shoujian Gao, Yuzhang Zhu, JianJin 2018, 'Nanoparticle-templated nanofiltration membranes for ultrahigh performance desalination',Nature Communications Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (