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View usage for: (pɜːʳmieɪt) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense permeates, present participle permeating, past tense, past participle permeated1. verbIf an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it. Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system. [VERB noun] An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system. [VERB + through] Synonyms: infiltrate, fill, pass through, pervade More Synonyms of permeate 2. verbIf something permeates a place, it spreads throughout it. The smell of roast chicken permeated the air. [VERB noun] Eventually, the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete. [VERB + through] Synonyms: pervade, saturate, charge, fill More Synonyms of permeate permeate in British English (ˈpɜːmɪˌeɪt) verb1. to penetrate or pervade (a substance, area, etc) a lovely smell permeated the room 2. to pass through or cause to pass through by osmosis or diffusion to permeate a membrane Derived forms permeation (ˌpermeˈation) noun permeative (ˈpermeative) adjective Word origin C17: from Latin permeāre, from per- through + meāre to pass permeate in American English (ˈpɜrmiˌeɪt) verb transitiveWord forms: ˈpermeˌated or ˈpermeˌating1. to pass into or through and affect every part of; penetrate and spread through ink permeates blotting paper; a society that is permeated with idealism verb intransitive2. to spread or diffuse; penetrate with through or among Derived forms permeation (ˌpermeˈation) noun permeative (ˈpermeˌative) (ˈpɜrmiˌeɪtɪv) adjective Word origin < L permeatus, pp. of permeare < per, through + meare, to glide, flow, pass < IE base * mei-, to go, change, wander > Czech mijeti, to pass by permeate in Chemical Engineering (pɜrmieɪt) Word forms: (present) permeates, (past) permeated, (perfect) permeated, (progressive) permeating verb (transitive) (intransitive)( Chemical Engineering: General) To permeate a membrane, or to permeate through it, means to pass through a membrane by dissolving and then diffusing in it. COLLOCATIONS: ~ a membrane The low molecular weight dissolved phases permeate the walls of the tubes while the larger-diameter molecules are retained in the liquid. Air supplied to the lower channel permeates through the membrane and aerates powders in the upper channel. To permeate through a membrane means to pass through a membrane by dissolving and then diffusingin it. permeability Examples of 'permeate' in a sentencepermeate `What I'm saying is that my Catholicism, though I'm a true believer, doesn't permeate the whole of my life.This allows the virus to permeate virtually an entire population.The smell of the cabin hut and everything inside seemed to permeate my senses all at once. In other languagespermeate British English: permeate VERB If an idea, feeling, or attitude permeates a system or permeates society, it affects every part of it or is present throughout it. An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system. - American English: permeate
- Brazilian Portuguese: permear
- Chinese: > 全面影响思想、情感或态度
- European Spanish: trascender a
- French: pénétrer
- German: durchdringen
- Italian: permeare
- Japanese: 浸透する
- Korean: 퍼지다
- European Portuguese: permear
- Latin American Spanish: trascender a
Definition to penetrate or spread throughout (something) Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system. Synonyms infiltrate fill pass through filter through spread through diffuse throughout Definition to pass through or cause to pass through by osmosis or diffusion The water will eventually permeate through the surrounding concrete. Synonyms pervade charge pass through filter through spread through seep through soak through diffuse throughout Additional synonymsThe barn was filled with the smell of hay. Synonyms saturate, charge, pervade, permeate, imbue, impregnate, suffuse, overspread Definition to fill or inspire (with ideals or principles) He is able to imbue his listeners with enthusiasm. Synonyms instil, infuse, steep, bathe, saturate, pervade, permeate, impregnate, inculcateDefinition to saturate, soak, or fill throughout plastic impregnated with a light-absorbing dye Synonyms saturate, soak, steep, fill, seep, pervade, infuse, permeate, imbue, suffuse, percolate, imbrue (rare) Additional synonymsDefinition to diffuse through A cool breeze penetrated the mosquito netting. Synonyms pervade, enter, permeate, filter through, suffuse, seep through, get in through, percolate through Definition to spread gradually These truths begin to percolate through our minds. Synonyms penetrate, filter, seep, pervade, permeate, transfuse (literary) Definition to soak completely If the filter has been saturated with motor oil, discard it. Synonyms soak, steep, drench, seep, imbue, douse, impregnate, suffuse, ret, wet through, waterlog, souse, drouk (Scottish) |