the temperature at which a sudden change of physical properties occurs, such as a change of phase or crystalline structure, or at which a substance becomes superconducting
transition temperature in American English
a temperature at which a substance undergoes some abrupt change in its properties, as when it passes from the normal to the superconducting state
Also called: transition point
Examples of 'transition temperature' in a sentence
transition temperature
The glass transition temperature remained higher than room temperature.
A. Ruellan, A. Guinault, C. Sollogoub, G. Chollet, A. Ait-Mada, V. Ducruet, S. Domenek 2015, 'Industrial vegetable oil by-products increase the ductility of polylactide', eXPRESS Polymer Letters Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The glass transition temperature has not changed after fiber addition.
Francisco Rosário, Wagner M. Pachekoski, Ana P. J. Silveira, Sérgio F. dos Santos,Holmer S. Júnior, Suzan Aline Casarin 2011, 'Resíduos de sisal como reforço em compósitos de polipropileno virgem e reciclado Virginand recycled polypropylene composites reinforced with sisal by-product', Polímeros Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This improved the phase transition temperature and thermal stability.
Jiangqi Luo, Qiong Fu, Haiyun Wang, Dongmei Zhao, Laihui Luo, Weiping Li 2017, 'A multiferroic material [NH2-CH+-NH2]Co(HCOO)3 of metal-organic frameworks with weakferromagnetism and dielectric relaxation', AIP Advances Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
At higher pressures, the antiferromagnetic transition temperature decreases, and disappears.
Jun Gouchi, Yuki Nakamura, Miho Nakashima, Yasushi Amako, Ravhi Kumar, Yoshiya Uwatoko 2018, 'Pressure effect on the antiferromagnetic compound Ce2Ni3Ge5', AIP Advances Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The cross-linked polymers from hexathiolated squalene showed the highest glass transition temperature.
Sigita Kasetaite, Silvia De la Flor, Angels Serra, Jolita Ostrauskaite 2018, 'Effect of Selected Thiols on Cross-Linking of Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil andProperties of Resulting Polymers', Polymers Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Additionally, the glass transition temperature showed a lower value for all treated fibre.
Fauzi F.A., Ghazalli A., Siregar J.P., Tezara C. 2016, 'Investigation of Thermal Behavior for Natural Fibres Reinforced Epoxy using Thermogravimetricand Differential Scanning Calorimetric Analysis', MATEC Web of Conferences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The glass transition temperature of all samples was slightly higher than room temperature.
Weng Hong Tham, Mat Uzir Wahit, Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir, Tuck Whye Wong 2013, 'Mechanical and thermal properties of biodegradable hydroxyapatite/poly(sorbitol sebacatemalate) composites', Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
A correlation between double-bond conversion, yield strength, and glass transition temperature was found.
Bernhard Steyrer, Philipp Neubauer, Robert Liska, Jürgen Stampfl 2017, 'Visible Light Photoinitiator for 3D-Printing of Tough Methacrylate Resins', Materials Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (