Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cash when necessary.
petty cash in British English
a small cash fund kept on a firm's premises for the payment of minor incidental expenses
petty cash in American English
a cash fund for small incidental expenses
petty cash in Retail
(pɛti kæʃ)
(Retail: Customer accounts)
Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cashwhen necessary.
Staff refreshments for sales meetings are generally paid for from petty cash.
Companies normally maintain a petty cash fund to pay for small, miscellaneous expenditures.
Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cashwhen necessary.
petty cash in Accounting
(pɛti kæʃ)
(Accounting: Basic)
Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cashwhen necessary.
After having her expense claims overruled, she took the money from petty cash.
Companies normally use checks to pay their obligations because checks provide a recordof each payment, but they also maintain a petty cash fund to pay for small, miscellaneous expenditures.
Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cashwhen necessary.
Examples of 'petty cash' in a sentence
petty cash
Don't tell me he was caught doctoring his expenses or stealing the petty cash.
Forbes, Bryan THE ENDLESS GAME (2002)
We kept petty cash in the office, which was in our, sorry his, flat.
Anita Anderson SOMEBODY (2002)
`Get Sister to give you five dollars from petty cash, and remember, we never give Francis more than two bucks.
Siddons, Anne Rivers DOWNTOWN (2002)
In other languages
petty cash
British English: petty cash NOUN
Petty cash is money that is kept in the office of a company, for making small payments in cash when necessary.
After having her expense claims overruled, she took the money from petty cash.
American English: petty cash
Brazilian Portuguese: fundo de caixa
Chinese: > 小额备用金办公室存放的
European Spanish: dinero para gastos menores
French: petite caisse
German: Portokasse
Italian: piccola cassa
Japanese: 小口現金
Korean: 소액 지급 준비금
European Portuguese: fundo de caixa
Latin American Spanish: dinero para gastos menores