Antoine (ɑ̃twan). 1886–1962, French constructivist sculptor and painter, born in Russia; brother of Naum Gabo
Sir Nikolaus (ˈnɪkəlaʊs). 1902–83, British architectural historian, born in Germany: his series Buildings of England (1951–74) describes every structure of account in the country
Pevsner in American English
( for 1 ˈpɛfsnər ; or French pɛvzˈnɛʀ; for 2 ˈpɛvznər)
Anˈtoine (ɑ̃ˈtwan) 1886-1962; Fr. sculptor & painter, born in Russia: brother of Naum Gabo
Sirˈ Nikolaus (Barnhard Leon) (ˈnɪkələs) 1902-85; Brit. art historian and author of architectural guidebooks, born in Germany