William Ewart. 1809–98, British statesman. He became leader of the Liberal Party in 1867 and was four times prime minister (1868–74; 1880–85; 1886; 1892–94). In his first ministry he disestablished the Irish Church (1869) and introduced educational reform (1870) and the secret ballot (1872). He succeeded in carrying the Reform Act of 1884 but failed to gain support for a Home Rule Bill for Ireland, to which he devoted much of the latter part of his career
a light four-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle
Gladstone in American English1
(ˈglædˌstoʊn; ˈglædstən)
a traveling bag hinged so that it can open flat into two compartments of equal size
: in full Gladstone bag
Word origin
after Gladstone2
Gladstone in American English2
(ˈglædstoʊn; British ˈglædstən)
ˈWilliam Ewart (ˈjuərt) 1809-98; Brit. statesman: prime minister (1868-74; 1880-85; 1886; 1892-94)