the doctrine that the whole substance of the bread and wine changes into the substance of the body and blood of Christ when consecrated in the Eucharist
the mystical process by which this is believed to take place during consecration
the act of transubstantiating; change of one substance into another
2. Roman CatholicChurch and Eastern ChristianChurch
the doctrine that, in the Eucharist, the whole substances of the bread and of thewine are changed into the body and blood of Christ, only the accidents of bread and wine remaining
this change
Word origin
ML(Ec) transubstantiatio
Examples of 'transubstantiation' in a sentence
She wants to know about writing, wheat, and transubstantiation.
various & introduction by Deirdre Chapman A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990 (1989)