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Nothing, he thought, would be to John's liking these days, not parties or philosophies or people.
Leaders, philosophies and councils come and go like the winter frost and snow.
For all their other differences the Jean-Pauls ' and Sister Mary Eustasia's philosophies had something in common.
Salley Vickers INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3 (2002)
All related terms of 'philosophies'
Philosophy is the study or creation of theories about basic things such as the nature of existence , knowledge, and thought, or about how people should live .
moral philosophy
the branch of philosophy dealing with both argument about the content of morality and meta-ethical discussion of the nature of moral judgment , language, argument, and value
natural philosophy
(now only used in Scottish universities) physical science, esp physics
analytical philosophy
a school of philosophy which flourished in the first half of the 20th century and which sought to resolve philosophical problems by analysing the language in which they are expressed, esp in terms of formal logic as in Russell's theory of descriptions
linguistic philosophy
the approach to philosophy common in the mid 20th century that tends to see philosophical problems as arising from inappropriate theoretical use of language and therefore as being resolved by detailed attention to the common use of expressions
scholastic philosophy
the system of philosophy , theology , and teaching that dominated medieval western Europe and was based on the writings of the Church Fathers and (from the 12th century) Aristotle , the Greek philosopher (384–322 bc )
Doctor of Philosophy
A Doctor of Philosophy is someone who has a → PhD .