(ˌnaɪtrəʊˈɡlɪsəˌriːn) or nitroglycerin (-ˈɡlɪsərɪn)
a pale yellow viscous explosive liquid substance made from glycerol and nitric and sulphuric acids and used in explosives, and in medicine as a vasodilator. Formula: CH2NO3CHNO3CH2NO3
Also called: trinitroglycerine
glyceryl trinitrate in American English
(trai ˈnaitreit)
Word origin
[1890–95; tri- + nitrate]This word is first recorded in the period 1890–95. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: blip, cholesterol, masochism, neoclassicism, phonemetri- is a combining form meaning “three,” used in the formation of compound words. Otherwords that use the affix tri- include: triathlon, triglyceride, trio, triple, trivial
Examples of 'glyceryl trinitrate' in a sentence
glyceryl trinitrate
Glyceryl trinitrate dilates the blood vessels and is used to treat angina or heart attack.