the property of transmitting heat, electricity, or sound
a measure of the ability of a substance to conduct electricity; the reciprocal of resistivity
in the case of a solution, the electrolytic conductivity is the current density divided by the electric field strength, measured in siemens per metre
Formerly called: specific conductance
Symbol: κ
3. thermal conductivity
Examples of 'specific conductance' in a sentence
specific conductance
Overall, specific conductance and turbidity showed contrasting responses to storms.
Adam S. Wymore, Miguel C. Leon, James B. Shanley, William H. McDowell 2019, 'Hysteretic Response of Solutes and Turbidity at the Event Scale Across Forested TropicalMontane Watersheds', Frontiers in Earth Science Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Specific conductance exhibited semi-diel (tidal cycle-based) periodicity.
Alexander P. Graziano, R. Christian Jones 2017, 'Diel and Seasonal Patterns in Continuously Monitored Water Quality at Fixed Sitesin Two Adjacent Embayments of the Tidal Freshwater Potomac River', Water Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Sensitivity analysis revealed that models were most sensitive to removal of specific conductance.
Dennis Gilfillan, Timothy A. Joyner, Phillip Scheuerman 2018, 'Maxent estimation of aquatic Escherichia coli stream impairment', PeerJ Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This process results in high variability in the peak specific conductance of ion channels in individual neurons.
Rosanna Migliore, Carmen A Lupascu, Luca L Bologna, Armando Romani, Jean-Denis Courcol,Stefano Antonel, Werner A H Van Geit, Alex M Thomson, Audrey Mercer, Sigrun Lange,Joanne Falck, Christian A Rössert, Ying Shi, Olivier Hagens, Maurizio Pezzoli, TamasF Freund, Szabolcs Kali, Eilif B Muller, Felix Schürmann, Henry Markram, Michele Migliore 2018, 'The physiological variability of channel density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cellsand interneurons explored using a unified data-driven modeling workflow.', PLoS Computational Biology Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
There were no significant differences in specific conductance, phosphates, nitrates or ammonia in the upwelling and downwelling zones.
Simón Astiz, Francesco Sabater 2015, 'Anthropic effects on the meiofauna and physicochemical characteristics of the hyporheiczone in a Mediterranean stream', European Journal of Environmental Sciences Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The cell constant, specific conductance, and the molar conductance with dilution for some common electrolytes were measured.
Nasser Abu Ghalwa 2012, 'Development of a Novel Solid-State Sensor Electrode Based on Titanium Thin Film asan Indicator Electrode in Potentiometric and Conductometric Acid-Base Titration inAqueous Solution', Journal of Sensors Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The decrease in specific conductance was caused by the complex formation of slow moving or non-moving larger dye–surfactant complex.
Chandrakanta Mall, Prem Prakash Solanki 2018, 'Spectrophotometric and conductometric studies of molecular interaction of brilliantcresyl blue with cationic, anionic and non-ionic surfactant in aqueous medium forapplication in photogalvanic cells for solar energy conversion and storage', Energy Reports Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (