a congenital deformity resulting from prenatal interference with the development of the fetal limbs, characterized esp by short stubby hands or feet attached close to the body
Derived forms
phocomelic (ˌphocoˈmelic)
Word origin
C19: via New Latin from Greek phōkē a seal + melos a limb
phocomelia in American English
(ˌfoʊkoʊˈmiliə; ˌfoʊkoʊˈmiljə)
the congenital absence or abnormal shortening of arms or legs, often with only short, flipperlike limbs projecting from the body
Derived forms
phocomelic (ˌphocoˈmelic) (ˌfoʊkoʊˈmilɪk)
Word origin
ModL < Gr phōkē, a seal + ModL -melia, a condition of limbs < Gr melos, limb