Lady (Isabella) Augusta (Persse). 1852–1932, Irish dramatist; a founder and director of the Abbey Theatre, Dublin
Gregory in American English1
a masculine name: dim. Greg; var. Gregg; equiv. Fr. Grégoire, Ger. & Scand. Gregor, It. & Sp. Gregorio
Word origin
LL Gregorius < Gr Grēgorios, lit., vigilant, hence, watchman < dial. form of egeirein, to awaken < IE base *ger-, to grow, awaken
Gregory in American English2
Gregory I( a.d. 540?-604); pope (590-604): his day is Sept. 3
called the Great: also called Saint Gregory I
Gregory VII(born Hildebrand) (1020?-85); pope (1073-85): his day is May 25
: also called Saint Gregory VII
Gregory XIII(born Ugo Buoncompagni) 1502-85; pope (1572-85)
see also Gregorian calendar
Lady Augusta(born Isabella Augusta Persse) 1852-1932; Ir. playwright
All related terms of 'Gregory'
Gregory I
Saint, known as Gregory the Great. ?540–604 ad , pope (590–604), who greatly influenced the medieval Church. He strengthened papal authority by centralizing administration , tightened discipline , and revised the liturgy . He appointed Saint Augustine missionary to England. Feast day: March 12 or Sept 3
Gregory IX
original name Ugolino of Segni . ?1148–1241, pope (1227–41). He excommunicated and waged war against Emperor Frederick II
Gregory VII
Saint, monastic name Hildebrand . ?1020-–85, pope (1073–85), who did much to reform abuses in the Church. His assertion of papal supremacy and his prohibition (1075) of lay investiture was opposed by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, whom he excommunicated (1076). He was driven into exile when Henry captured Rome (1084). Feast day: May 25
Gregory XIII
1502–85, pope (1572–85). He promoted the Counter-Reformation and founded seminaries . His reformed ( Gregorian ) calendar was issued in 1582
Gregory of Nyssa
Saint . ?335–394 ad , Cappadocian theologian and brother of St Basil : bishop of Nyssa . Feast day: March 9
Gregory of Tours
Saint . ?538–?594 ad , Frankish bishop and historian . His Historia Francorum is the chief source of knowledge of 6th-century Gaul . Feast day: Nov 17
Gregory's powder
a formulation of rhubarb powder used as a laxative or purgative
Gregory of Nazianzus
Saint. ?329–89 ad , Cappadocian theologian : bishop of Caesarea (370–79). Feast days: Jan 2, 25, and 30