As their team improved, their chanting grew louder.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
As his arms grew broader, his hitting grew longer.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
All related terms of 'grew'
When people, animals, and plants grow , they increase in size and change physically over a period of time.
grow on
If someone or something grows on you, you start to like them more and more.
grow out
If you grow out a hairstyle or let it grow out , you let your hair grow so that the style changes or so that you can cut off the part that you do not want .
grow up
When someone grows up , they gradually change from being a child into being an adult.
grow apart
If people who have a close relationship grow apart , they gradually start to have different interests and opinions from each other, and their relationship starts to fail .
grow into
When a child grows into an item of clothing , they become taller or bigger so that it fits them properly.
grow out of
If you grow out of a type of behaviour or an interest , you stop behaving in that way or having that interest, as you develop or change.
grow away from
If you grow away from someone, you gradually have fewer interests and opinions in common with them.
grow the beard
(of a TV series) to gain credibility or improve in quality during the course of a series following a specified development
Chinese translation of 'grew'
Word forms:ptgrew
Word forms:ppgrown
[plant, tree]生长(長) (shēngzhǎng)
⇒ the oak tree growing at the end of the lane长在小巷尽头的橡树 (zhǎng zài xiǎoxiàng jìntóu de xiàngshù)
[person, animal]长(長)大 (zhǎngdà)
⇒ He's grown a lot since I last saw him.自从我上次见他,他长大了许多。 (Zìcóng wǒ shàngcì jiàn tā, tā zhǎngdàle xǔduō.)
⇒ Their influence is steadily growing.他们的影响在稳步扩大。 (Tāmen de yǐngxiǎng zài wěnbù kuòdà.)
[economy, business]发(發)展 (fāzhǎn)
[flowers, vegetables]栽种(種) (zāizhòng)
⇒ I'm growing leeks in my garden.我在花园里种韭葱。 (Wǒ zài huāyuán li zhòng jiǔcōng.)
[beard, hair]留 (liú)
⇒ I've decided to grow my hair.我决定留头发。 (Wǒ juédìng liú tóufa.)
to grow (by) 20cm长(長)了20厘(釐)米 (zhǎngle èrshí límǐ)
to grow by 10%增长(長)10% (zēngzhǎng bǎi fēn zhī shí)
to grow rich/old/impatient变(變)富/变(變)老/变(變)得不耐烦(煩) (biànfù/biànlǎo/biàn de bù nàifán)
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All related terms of 'grew'
( plant, tree ) 生长(長) shēngzhǎng ⇒ the oak tree growing at the end of the lane → 长在小巷尽头的橡树 zhǎng zài xiǎoxiàng jìntóu de xiàngshù ( person, animal ) 长(長)大 zhǎngdà ⇒ He's grown a lot since I last saw him. → 自从我上次见他,他长大了许多。 Zìcóng wǒ shàngcì jiàn tā, tā zhǎngdàle xǔduō. ( hair, nails ) 留 liú
grow on
▶ to grow on sb 越来(來)越为(為)某人喜欢(歡) yuèláiyuè wéi mǒurén xǐhuan ⇒ That painting is growing on me. → 我越来越喜欢那幅画。 Wǒ yuèláiyuè xǐhuan nà fú huà.
grow up
( be brought up ) 长(長)大 zhǎngdà ⇒ She grew up in Japan. → 她在日本长大。 Tā zài Rìběn zhǎngdà.