释义 |
English translation of '对面' 名 - (= 对过)
the opposite ⇒ 街对面有一家餐馆。 (Jiē duìmiàn yǒu yī jiā cānguǎn.) There's a restaurant on the opposite side of the street.
- (= 正前方)
the front ⇒ 对面跑过来一只小狗。 (Duìmiàn pǎo guòlái yī zhī xiǎogǒu.) A small dog ran up right in front of us.
副 -
face to face ⇒ 他们终于对面儿把事情说清楚了。 (Tāmen zhōngyú duìmiànr bǎ shìqing shuō qīngchu le.) They finally clarified the matter face to face.