the land around a dwelling house or other building
the palace grounds
the grounds of the University
They were playing in the school grounds.
sediment or dregs, esp from coffee
reason; justification
The court ruled that surgeons should have sought permission for the surgery, evenif there were medical grounds.
The court overturned that decision on the grounds that the Prosecution had withheldcrucial evidence.
The hospital was closed in 1989 on economic grounds.
We've got grounds for complaint.
We have grounds for believing they are trading illegally.
She had been freed on humanitarian grounds.
Surely these statistics give grounds for optimism.
In the interview he gave some grounds for optimism.
She cited adultery as grounds for divorce.
They had no legal grounds for claiming compensation.
Owen was against it, on the grounds of expense.
He resigned on the grounds of ill health.
She pleaded guilty to murder on grounds of diminished responsibility.
He rejected this idea on the grounds that it would be unworkable.
The court overturned the decision on the grounds that the prosecution had withheldcrucial evidence.
They oppose the minimum wage on the grounds that it would prevent employers fromtaking on new staff.
Examples of 'grounds' in a sentence
One could dismiss her observation on those grounds alone.
Simon Ball THE GUARDSMEN (2004)
In the grounds there used to be a cemetery for all the nuns who had died there.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
All related terms of 'grounds'
The ground is the surface of the earth.
ground bass
a short melodic bass line that is repeated over and over again
the third planet from the sun, the only planet on which life is known to exist. It is not quite spherical , being flattened at the poles , and consists of three geological zones , the core , mantle , and thin outer crust . The surface, covered with large areas of water, is enveloped by an atmosphere principally of nitrogen (78 per cent ), oxygen (21 per cent), and some water vapour . The age is estimated at over four thousand million years. Distance from sun: 149.6 million km; equatorial diameter : 12 756 km; mass: 5.976 × 10 24 kg; sidereal period of axial rotation : 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds; sidereal period of revolution about sun: 365.256 days
Earth or the Earth is the planet on which we live. People usually say Earth when they are referring to the planet as part of the universe , and the Earth when they are talking about the planet as the place where we live.
planet Earth
the third planet from the sun , the only planet on which life is known to exist. It is not quite spherical , being flattened at the poles , and consists of three geological zones , the core , mantle , and thin outer crust . The surface, covered with large areas of water, is enveloped by an atmosphere principally of nitrogen (78 per cent ), oxygen (21 per cent), and some water vapour . The age is estimated at over four thousand million years. Distance from sun: 149.6 million km; equatorial diameter : 12 756 km; mass: 5.976 × 10 24 kg; sidereal period of axial rotation : 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds; sidereal period of revolution about sun: 365.256 days
the third planet from the sun , the only planet on which life is known to exist. It is not quite spherical , being flattened at the poles , and consists of three geological zones , the core , mantle , and thin outer crust . The surface, covered with large areas of water, is enveloped by an atmosphere principally of nitrogen (78 per cent ), oxygen (21 per cent), and some water vapour . The age is estimated at over four thousand million years. Distance from sun: 149.6 million km; equatorial diameter : 12 756 km; mass: 5.976 × 10 24 kg; sidereal period of axial rotation : 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds; sidereal period of revolution about sun: 365.256 days
Barren Grounds
→ another name for Barren Lands
coffee grounds
the used ground beans that remain in a pot or coffee-maker
feeding grounds
the place where animals gather to find food
blue ground
an intrusive igneous rock generated at great depth in the earth's mantle and consisting largely of olivine and phlogopite . It often contains diamonds
A campground is the same as a → campsite .
camp ground
an area on which holiday-makers may pitch a tent , etc
high ground
If a person or organization has the high ground in an argument or dispute , that person or organization has an advantage .
home ground
A sports team's home ground is their own playing field , as opposed to that of other teams .
open ground
uncovered or unobstructed ground in a wide open space
waste ground
an empty piece of land
breeding ground
If you refer to a situation or place as a breeding ground for something bad such as crime , you mean that this thing can easily develop in that situation or place.
burial ground
A burial ground is a place where bodies are buried , especially an ancient place.
camping ground
an area on which holiday-makers may pitch a tent , etc
centre ground
the nominal space in the political spectrum that is neither right or left
common ground
If two people or groups find common ground , they agree about something, especially when they do not agree about other things.
dumping ground
If you say that a place is a dumping ground for something, usually something unwanted, you mean that people leave or send large quantities of that thing there.
feeding ground
The feeding ground of a group of animals or birds is the place where they find food and eat .
fishing banks
a place where fish are abundant , as off Newfoundland
fishing ground
an area of water that is good for fishing
football ground
an area of land where football games are played
hunting ground
If you say that a place is a good hunting ground for something, you mean that people who have a particular interest are likely to find something that they want there.
landing ground
a piece of land on which a plane can land
middle ground
The middle ground between two groups, ideas , or plans involves things which do not belong to either of these groups, ideas, or plans but have elements of each, often in a less extreme form.
parade ground
A parade ground is an area of ground where soldiers practise marching and have parades.
proving ground
If you describe a place as a proving ground , you mean that new things or ideas are tried out or tested there.
spawning ground
a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
spawning place
a place where fish deposit their eggs for fertilization
sports ground
an area of land where sports are played
stamping ground
Someone's stamping ground is a place where they like to go often.
stomping ground
→ stamping ground
teeing ground
an area, often slightly elevated , from which the first stroke of a hole is made
testing ground
a place or situation used for testing new ideas and methods to see if they work
training ground
an area where people prepare for sporting competitions , with activities primarily concentrating on skills and fitness
vantage ground
a position or condition affording superiority or advantage over or as if over an opponent
consecrated ground
ground that has been made or declared sacred or holy , and is therefore suitable for Christian burial
recreation ground
an open space for public recreation , esp one in a town, with swings and slides , etc, for children
the Barren Lands
a region of tundra in N Canada, extending westwards from Hudson Bay : sparsely inhabited , chiefly by Inuit
happy hunting ground
(in Native American legend ) the paradise to which a person passes after death
the moral high ground
If you say that someone has taken the moral high ground , you mean that they consider that their policies and actions are morally superior to the policies and actions of their rivals .
middle distance
If you are looking into the middle distance , you are looking at a place that is neither near nor far away .
A parade is a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event .
In golf, a tee is a small piece of wood or plastic which is used to support the ball before it is hit at the start of each hole.