A spreadsheet is a computer program that is used for displaying and dealing with numbers. Spreadsheets are used mainly for financial planning.
spreadsheet in British English
a computer program that allows easy entry and manipulation of figures, equations, and text, used esp for financial planning and budgeting
spreadsheet in American English
a computer program that organizes numerical data into rows and columns on a video screen, for computing desired calculations and making overall adjustments based on new data
It is used in a spreadsheet and many other commercial programs.
Samways, B. & Byrne-Jones, T. Computers Basic Facts (1983)
In spreadsheets use multiple short formulae rather than a long single formula.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
Hey, does anybody else keep spreadsheets on their inventory?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The models range from simple spreadsheet programs that merely help with the arithmetic to linear programming models that help find the best financial plan.
Charles A. D'Ambrosio & Stewart D. Hodges & Richard Brealey & Stewart Myers Principles of Corporate Finance (1991)
A mathematical calculation that is used in a spreadsheet.
Chapman, C. & Horsley, M. & Small, E. Technology Basic Facts (1990)
Keep a spreadsheet of all costs and sales, and keep all your receipts logged as you go along.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
A simple spreadsheet or accounting program can be used to monitor this, with little time required.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
TRY keeping a spreadsheet or graph to track your progress month by month, to encourage you to keep plugging away.
The Sun (2014)
Gradually, working practices changed and he felt less at ease with the regime of spreadsheets, computers and shrunken expense accounts.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
In other languages
British English: spreadsheet /ˈsprɛdˌʃiːt/ NOUN
A spreadsheet is a computer program that is used for displaying and dealing with numbers. Spreadsheets are used mainly for financial planning.
American English: spreadsheet
Arabic: جَدْوَل
Brazilian Portuguese: planilha
Chinese: 电子计算表
Croatian: plahta
Czech: tabulkový procesor
Danish: regneark
Dutch: spreadsheet
European Spanish: hoja de cálculo
Finnish: taulukkolaskentaohjelma
French: feuille de calcul
German: Tabellenkalkulationsprogramm
Greek: λογιστικό φύλλο
Italian: foglio elettronico
Japanese: スプレッドシート
Korean: 컴퓨터용 회계처리 프로그램
Norwegian: regneark
Polish: arkusz kalkulacyjny
European Portuguese: folha de cálculo
Romanian: software pentru analizarea informațiilor cuprinse în tabele