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View usage for: (pleɪntɪv) adjectiveA plaintive sound or voice sounds sad. [literary] They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls. Her voice was small and plaintive. Synonyms: sorrowful, sad, pathetic, melancholy More Synonyms of plaintive plaintively adverb [usually ADVERB with verb, oft ADVERB adjective] 'Why don't we do something?' Davis asked plaintively. plaintive in British English (ˈpleɪntɪv) adjectiveexpressing melancholy; mournful Derived forms plaintively (ˈplaintively) adverb plaintiveness (ˈplaintiveness) noun Word origin C14: from Old French plaintif grieving, from plainte plaintplaintive in American English (ˈpleɪntɪv) adjective expressing sorrow or melancholy; mournful; sad Derived forms plaintively (ˈplaintively) adverb plaintiveness (ˈplaintiveness) noun Word origin ME pleintif < OFr plaintif: see plaintiff Examples of 'plaintive' in a sentenceplaintive Whose bright idea was it to call a magazine something plaintive and filled with pathos?There was a plaintive cry from across the hall.It was little wonder that he finished his letter home on a plaintive note.His thick, plaintive voice sounded as though it rose from the earth.The ace guitar playing and tone are there, plus that plaintive voice.Or just wander the nearby streets and listen out for a steel guitar or a high, plaintive voice.Then her plaintive voice faded.When they fly up, they make plaintive calls, and one sees their bright white underside.His songs can be wonderfully simple; a solo piano piece called Refugees had plaintive charm.It's time for reinvention, to move away a little from the plaintive vocal and acoustic guitar.We got it going, and after a while out came this rather wonderful, plaintive and poignant sound.You only need crawl along at 20mph in first and listen to that hollow, plaintive cry from the exhausts. In other languagesplaintive British English: plaintive ADJECTIVE A plaintive sound or voice sounds sad. They lay on the sand, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls. - American English: plaintive
- Brazilian Portuguese: lamentoso
- Chinese: > 哀伤的声音或嗓音
- European Spanish: lastimero
- French: plaintif
- German: klagend
- Italian: lamentoso
- Japanese: もの悲しい
- Korean: 구슬픈
- European Portuguese: lamentoso
- Latin American Spanish: lastimero
Definition sad and mournful Her voice was small and plaintive. Additional synonymsDefinition sad beyond comfort He was looking increasingly disconsolate. Synonyms sad, low, unhappy, miserable, gloomy, dismal, melancholy, forlorn, woeful, dejected, wretched, down in the dumps (informal) Definition dreary or mournful He stared over his glasses with a doleful look. Synonyms mournful, sad, gloomy, depressing, low, painful, distressing, dismal, melancholy, dreary, sombre, pitiful, forlorn, woeful, lugubrious, sorrowful, wretched, funereal, cheerless, woebegone, down in the mouth, dolorousDefinition deeply affected by sorrow The Queen was grief-stricken over his death. Synonyms heartbroken, broken, crushed, devastated, overwhelmed, despairing, sorrowing, afflicted, desolate, agonized, sorrowful, wretched, inconsolable, woebegone, brokenhearted- plain
- plain-spoken
- plainly
- plaintive
- plan
- plane
- planet
Additional synonymsDefinition causing great sadness and pity heart-rending accounts of the disaster Synonyms moving, sad, distressing, affecting, tragic, pathetic, poignant, harrowing, heartbreaking, pitiful, gut-wrenching, piteousDefinition characterized by, causing, or expressing sadness It was at this time of day that I felt most melancholy. Synonyms sad, down, depressed, unhappy, low, blue, miserable, moody, gloomy, dismal, sombre, woeful, glum, mournful, dejected, despondent, dispirited, melancholic, downcast, lugubrious, pensive, sorrowful, disconsolate, joyless, doleful, downhearted, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), woebegone, down in the mouth, low-spiritedDefinition (of a sound) suggestive or reminiscent of grief or sadness the mournful wail of bagpipes Synonyms sad, distressing, unhappy, tragic, painful, afflicting, melancholy, harrowing, grievous, woeful, deplorable, lamentable, plaintive, calamitous, sorrowful, piteousDefinition arousing pity or sympathy It was a pathetic sight, watching the people queue for food. Synonyms sad, moving, touching, affecting, distressing, tender, melting, poignant, harrowing, heartbreaking, plaintive, heart-rending, gut-wrenching, pitiableDefinition arousing or deserving pity a piteous sight Synonyms pathetic, moving, affecting, distressing, sad, miserable, dismal, poignant, harrowing, heartbreaking, grievous, pitiful, woeful, deplorable, mournful, lamentable, plaintive, heart-rending, sorrowful, gut-wrenching, wretched, doleful, pitiableDefinition arousing or deserving great pity or contempt It was the most pitiful sight I had ever seen. Synonyms pathetic, distressing, miserable, harrowing, heartbreaking, grievous, sad, woeful, deplorable, lamentable, heart-rending, gut-wrenching, wretched, pitiable, piteousDefinition feeling or expressing sorrow or regret He shook his head and gave me a rueful smile. Synonyms regretful, sad, dismal, melancholy, grievous, pitiful, woeful, sorry, mournful, plaintive, lugubrious, contrite, sorrowful, repentant, doleful, remorseful, penitent, pitiable, woebegone, conscience-stricken, self-reproachful Definition feeling sorrow The loss left me feeling sad and empty. Synonyms unhappy, down, low, blue, depressed, gloomy, grieved, dismal, melancholy, sombre, glum, wistful, mournful, dejected, downcast, grief-stricken, tearful, lugubrious, pensive, disconsolate, doleful, heavy-hearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, lachrymose, woebegone, down in the mouth (informal), low-spirited, triste (archaic), sick at heart Definition sadly wishing for something lost or unobtainable There was a wistful look in his eyes when he spoke of his childhood. Synonyms melancholy, longing, dreaming, sad, musing, yearning, thoughtful, reflective, dreamy, forlorn, mournful, contemplative, meditative, pensive, disconsolateDefinition sad in appearance She sniffed and looked quite woebegone. Synonyms gloomy, low, blue, troubled, sad, miserable, forlorn, mournful, dejected, downcast, grief-stricken, lugubrious, long-faced, sorrowful, wretched, disconsolate, funereal, crestfallen, doleful, downhearted, down in the dumps (informal), cheerless, hangdog, down in the mouth (informal), chapfallen Additional synonymsDefinition extremely sad a woeful ballad about lost love Synonyms sad, distressing, tragic, miserable, gloomy, dismal, pathetic, harrowing, heartbreaking, grievous, mournful, plaintive, heart-rending, sorrowful, doleful, piteous |