We report a rare case of severe postoperative retroperitoneal bleeding including psoas haematomata complicating renal transplantation.
Jacob A. Akoh, Tahawar A. Rana, Daniel Higgs 2014, 'Bilateral Psoas Haematomata Complicating Renal Transplantation', Surgery Research and Practicehttp://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/678979. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)
All related terms of 'haematomata'
a tumour of clotted or partially clotted blood
a tumour of clotted or partially clotted blood
aural haematoma
permanent swelling and distortion of the external ear as the result of ruptures of the blood vessels: usually caused by blows received in boxing
boxer's ear
permanent swelling and distortion of the external ear as the result of ruptures of the blood vessels: usually caused by blows received in boxing
cauliflower ear
permanent swelling and distortion of the external ear as the result of ruptures of the blood vessels: usually caused by blows received in boxing