a hand tool consisting of a heavy usually steel head held transversely on the end of a handle, used for driving in nails, beating metal, etc
any tool or device with a similar function, such as the moving part of a door knocker, the striking head on a bell, etc
a power-driven striking tool, esp one used in forging. A pneumatic hammer delivers a repeated blow from a pneumatic ram, a drop hammer uses the energy of a falling weight
a part of a gunlock that rotates about a fulcrum to strike the primer or percussion cap, either directly or via a firing pin
5. athletics
a heavy metal ball attached to a flexible wire: thrown in competitions
the event or sport of throwing the hammer
an auctioneer's gavel
a device on a piano that is made to strike a string or group of strings causing them to vibrate
8. anatomy the nontechnical name for malleus
9. curling
the last stone thrown in an end
10. go under the hammer
11. hammer and tongs
12. on someone's hammer
to strike or beat (a nail, wood, etc) with or as if with a hammer
14. (transitive)
to shape or fashion with or as if with a hammer
15. (tr; foll by in or into)
to impress or force (facts, ideas, etc) into (someone) through constant repetition
16. (intransitive)
to feel or sound like hammering
his pulse was hammering
17. (intransitive; often foll byaway)
to work at constantly
18. (transitive) British
to question in a relentless manner
to criticize severely
19. informal
to inflict a defeat on
20. (transitive) slang
to beat, punish, or chastise
21. (transitive) stock exchange
to announce the default of (a member)
to cause prices of (securities, the market, etc) to fall by bearish selling
Derived forms
hammerer (ˈhammerer)
hammer-like (ˈhammer-ˌlike)
Word origin
Old English hamor; related to Old Norse hamarr crag, Old High German hamar hammer, Old Slavonic kamy stone
Examples of 'hammer throw' in a sentence
hammer throw
Such real-time information could be valuable for hammer-throw learning and optimization.
Ye Wang, Hua Li, Bingjun Wan, Xiang Zhang, Gongbing Shan 2018, 'Obtaining Vital Distances Using Wearable Inertial Measurement Unit for Real-Time,Biomechanical Feedback Training in Hammer-Throw', Applied Scienceshttps://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/8/12/2470. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)