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View usage for: (hænsəm) 1. adjectiveA handsome man has an attractive face with regular features. ...a tall, dark, handsome sheep farmer. pretty Synonyms: good-looking, attractive, gorgeous [informal], fine More Synonyms of handsome 2. adjectiveA handsome woman has an attractive appearance with features that are large and regular rather than small and delicate. ...an extremely handsome woman with a beautiful voice. 3. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]A handsome sum of money is a large or generous amount. [formal] They will make a handsome profit on the property. Synonyms: generous, large, princely, liberal More Synonyms of handsome handsomely adverb [ADVERB with verb] He was rewarded handsomely for his efforts. Synonyms: generously, amply, richly, liberally More Synonyms of handsome 4. graded adjectiveA place such as a building or garden that is handsome is large and well made with an attractive appearance. ...the ports of Dubrovnik and Zadar, with their handsome Renaissance buildings. handsomely graded adverb [ADVERB -ed] The drawing-room is handsomely proportioned. 5. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]If someone has a handsome win or a handsome victory, they get many more points or votes than their opponent. The opposition won a handsome victory in the election. handsomely adverb [ADVERB after verb] The car ran perfectly to the finish, and we won handsomely. handsome in British English (ˈhændsəm) adjective1. (of a man) good-looking, esp in having regular, pleasing, and well-defined features 2. (of a woman) fine-looking in a dignified way 3. well-proportioned, stately, or comely a handsome room 4. liberal or ample a handsome allowance 5. gracious or generous a handsome action 6. Southwest England pleasant handsome weather noun7. Southwest England a term of endearment for a beloved person, esp in my handsome Derived forms handsomely (ˈhandsomely) adverb handsomeness (ˈhandsomeness) noun Word origin C15: handsom easily handled; compare Dutch handzaam; see hand, -some1handsome in American English (ˈhænsəm; ˈhændsəm) adjective1. b. large; impressive; considerable a handsome sum 2. generous; magnanimous; gracious a handsome gesture 3. good-looking; of pleasing appearance said esp. of attractiveness that is manly, dignified, or impressive rather than delicateand graceful a handsome lad, a handsome chair SIMILAR WORDS: ˈbeautiful Derived forms handsomely (ˈhandsomely) adverb handsomeness (ˈhandsomeness) noun Word origin orig., easily handled, convenient < ME handsom: see hand & -some 1More idioms containinghandsome handsome is as handsome does Examples of 'handsome' in a sentencehandsome You will notice on your right a handsome house on a large lake.The promoters of these schemes also cite the chance for handsome capital appreciation.He is popular and handsome so why would he want a fat slob like me? In other languageshandsome British English: handsome / ˈhændsəm/ ADJECTIVE A handsome man has an attractive face. ...a tall, handsome farmer. - American English: handsome
- Arabic: وَسِيم
- Brazilian Portuguese: bonito
- Chinese: 英俊的
- Croatian: zgodan
- Czech: pohledný
- Danish: smuk
- Dutch: knap mooi
- European Spanish: bien parecido
- Finnish: komea
- French: beau
- German: gut aussehend
- Greek: γοητευτικός για άνδρες
- Italian: attraente
- Japanese: ハンサムな
- Korean: 잘 생긴
- Norwegian: flott
- Polish: przystojny
- European Portuguese: bonito
- Romanian: arătos
- Russian: привлекательный
- Latin American Spanish: bien parecido
- Swedish: stilig
- Thai: หล่อ
- Turkish: yakışıklı
- Ukrainian: привабливий
- Vietnamese: đẹp trai
Chinese translation of 'handsome' adj - (= attractive)
- [man]
英俊的 (yīngjùn de) - [woman]
健美的 (jiànměi de) - [building]
堂皇的 (tánghuáng de)
- (= good) [profit, return]
可观(觀)的 (kěguān de) ⇒ They made a handsome profit on the sale of the flat. 他们从卖房中获得可观的利润。 (Tāmen cóng màifáng zhōng huòdé kěguān de lìrùn.)
- [victory]
出色的 (chūsè de)
Definition (of a building, garden, etc.) large, well-made, and with an attractive appearance Her brother was a handsome young man Synonyms nice-looking dishy (informal, mainly British) fanciable well-proportioned hot (informal) fit (British, informal) Opposites ugly , unattractive , unsightly , unprepossessing , inelegant Definition (of an amount of money) generous or large They will make a handsome profit on the property. Synonyms princely sizable or sizeable Opposites mean , small , base , cheap , selfish , meagre , stingy , miserly , ungenerous Additional synonymsThere is an abundant supply of labour. Synonyms plentiful, full, rich, filled, liberal, generous, lavish, ample, infinite, overflowing, exuberant, teeming, copious, inexhaustible, bountiful, luxuriant, profuse, rank, well-provided, well-supplied, two a penny, thick on the ground, bounteous, plenteousDefinition more than sufficient The design gave ample space for a good-sized kitchen. Synonyms plenty of, great, rich, liberal, broad, generous, lavish, spacious, abounding, abundant, plentiful, expansive, copious, roomy, unrestricted, voluminous, capacious, profuse, commodious, plenteous, enough and to spare Definition appealing to the senses or mind We are often drawn to attractive people. Synonyms seductive, charming, tempting, interesting, pleasing, pretty, fair, beautiful, inviting, engaging, likable or likeable, lovely, winning, sexy (informal), pleasant, handsome, fetching (informal), good-looking, glamorous, gorgeous (informal), magnetic, cute, irresistible, enticing, provocative, captivating, beguiling, alluring, bonny (Scottish, NorthernEngland, dialect), winsome, comely (old-fashioned), prepossessing, hot (informal), fit (British, informal), lush (slang) |