

单词 trombone

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Examples of 'trombone' in a sentence

He had also wanted to play the trombone but his arms were too short.And a man in a felt cap playing a trombone.But the added cost of making it slide like a trombone?It was a job that required him to play his trombone while steering a horse by reins attached to his knees.He acted in school drama productions, sang and played trombone.I might as well have been playing the trombone.My uncle played first trombone.In university he was part of the Big Band and he was always playing his trombone.

Word lists with

instrument, orchestra

In other languages

British English: trombone /trɒmˈbəʊn/ NOUN
A trombone is a long brass musical instrument which you play by blowing into it and sliding part of it backwards and forwards.
Her husband played the trombone.
  • American English: trombone
  • Arabic: تُرُومْبُون
  • Brazilian Portuguese: trombone
  • Chinese: 长号
  • Croatian: trombon
  • Czech: trombon
  • Danish: trækbasun
  • Dutch: trombone
  • European Spanish: trombón
  • Finnish: pasuuna
  • French: trombone musique
  • German: Posaune
  • Greek: τρομπόνι
  • Italian: trombone
  • Japanese: トロンボーン
  • Korean: 트롬본
  • Norwegian: trombone
  • Polish: puzon
  • European Portuguese: trombone
  • Romanian: trombon
  • Russian: тромбон
  • Latin American Spanish: trombón
  • Swedish: trombon
  • Thai: แตรยาว
  • Turkish: trombon
  • Ukrainian: тромбон
  • Vietnamese: kèn trombon

Chinese translation of 'trombone'



n (c)

  1. 长(長)号(號) (chánghào) (, zhī)




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