If someone is hard-pressed, they are under a great deal of strain and worry, usually because they have not got enough money.
The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.
Synonyms: under pressure, pushed [informal], harried, in difficulties More Synonyms of hard-pressed
2. adjective
If you will be hard-pressedto do something, you will have great difficulty doing it.
This year the airline will be hard-pressed to make a profit.
Synonyms: pushed [informal], in difficulties, up against it [informal] More Synonyms of hard-pressed
hard-pressed in British English
in difficulties; struggling
the swimmer was hard-pressed
he was hard-pressed to get the work done on time
subject to severe competition
subject to severe attack
closely pursued
hard-pressed in American English
confronted with a difficulty or harassment
Examples of 'hard-pressed' in a sentence
They would rather work than live off the earnings of other hard-pressed taxpayers.
The Sun (2014)
So are retail bonds the answer for hard-pressed savers?
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
More likely they will be used to milk already hard-pressed motorists.
The Sun (2006)
Time with any hard-pressed family would teach them not to be so wasteful.
The Sun (2012)
Yet there is hope for hard-pressed consumers.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
You would be hard-pressed to find many high street chains that could claim that proportion now.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
This will put more pressure on hard-pressed staff.
The Sun (2006)
The tab picked up by hard-pressed taxpayers?
The Sun (2012)
This is too long for hard-pressed consumers to wait.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
You would be hard-pressed to find anyone in football who takes the role more seriously.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
The hard-pressed staff have been left to clean up and stick it on the bill.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
But it will be a mixed blessing for hard-pressed taxpayers.
The Sun (2009)
Internet loan companies are booming at the expense of hard-pressed consumers.
The Sun (2008)
You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity.
The Sun (2009)
This is the time when hard-pressed gardeners and farmers are watching the sky for signs of rain as soils grow drier.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
But more must be done to keep costs under control for hard-pressed households who already say spiralling energy prices are their top financial concern.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
For a hard-pressed family and a frugal son, this was a real financial benefit.
Leo McKinstry Sir Alf: A Major Reappraisal of the Life and Times of England's Greatest FootballManager (2006)
Why does the Government insist on making things tighter for already hard-pressed families?
The Sun (2008)
Childcare costs continue to spiral, squeezing already hard-pressed parents.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
You're hard-pressed at any time to tell there are no spark plugs.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
MORE pain for the hard-pressed motorist.
The Sun (2008)
The move follows a slump in payouts to hard-pressed savers, which has left many significantly poorer in old age.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
MPs will decide this week on a call to reduce VAT on fuel for millions of hard-pressed motorists.
The Sun (2011)
In other languages
British English: hard-pressed ADJECTIVE
If someone is hard-pressed, they are under a great deal of strain and worry, usually because they have not got enough money.
The region's hard-pressed consumers are spending less on luxuries.