Sometimes I deserved to be hit, but never because I couldn't keep my trousers done up.
She was wearing combat trousers, a silk polo-neck, a tight sleeveless jacket, all black.
Mark Burnell CHAMELEON (2002)
His trousers are corduroy, his shirt a pale blue button-down.
Mark Burnell THE RHYTHM SECTION (2002)
Word lists with
In other languages
British English: trousers /ˈtraʊzəz/ NOUN
Trousers are a piece of clothing that you wear over your body from the waist downwards, and that cover each leg separately. You can also say a pair of trousers.
...a blue blouse and white trousers.
American English: pants
Arabic: بَنْطَلُون
Brazilian Portuguese: calças
Chinese: 裤子
Croatian: hlače
Czech: kalhoty
Danish: bukser
Dutch: broek
European Spanish: pantalón
Finnish: housut
French: pantalon
German: Hose
Greek: παντελόνι
Italian: pantaloni
Japanese: ズボン
Korean: 바지
Norwegian: bukser
Polish: spodnie
European Portuguese: calças
Romanian: pantaloni
Russian: брюки
Latin American Spanish: pantalón
Swedish: byxor
Thai: กางเกง
Turkish: pantolon
Ukrainian: штани
Vietnamese: quần
All related terms of 'trousers'
If you say that someone trousers a sum of money, you mean that they receive it, usually when they do not deserve it or should not take it.
long trousers
full-length trousers (as opposed to shorts)
ski trousers
warm padded trousers used for skiing
combat trousers
Combat trousers are large, loose trousers with lots of pockets.
short trousers
knee-length trousers formerly worn by small boys
skiing trousers
warm , waterproof , protective trousers worn while skiing
drainpipe trousers
trousers with very narrow legs
wear the trousers
to be the person in a couple who makes all the important decisions
bell-bottomed trousers
a pair of trousers with legs widening at the bottom
to be in short trousers
to be a little boy
cargo pants
loose trousers with a large external pocket on the side of each leg
all mouth and no trousers
talking a lot about doing something but never actually doing it
to wear the trousers to wear the pants
If one person in a couple wears the pants , or in British English wears the trousers , they are the one who makes all the decisions .
to catch sb with their trousers/pants down to be caught with one's pants down
If someone is caught with their pants down , something happens that they are not prepared for and that reveals something embarrassing or shocking about them. In British English, you can also say that they are caught with their trousers down .
Chinese translation of 'trousers'
(ˈtrauzəz) (Brit)
n pl
裤(褲)子 (kùzi)
美 = pants
a pair of trousers一条(條)裤(褲)子 (yī tiáo kùzi)
(plural noun)
a garment that covers the body from the waist to the ankles or knees with a separate tube-shaped section for each leg
He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots.
pants (US)
He was wearing brown corduroy pants and a white shirt.
strides mainly Australian, informal)
kecks (British, informal)
subject word lists
See Trousers and shorts
Additional synonyms
in the sense of pants
trousers or shorts
He was wearing brown corduroy pants and a white shirt.