

单词 poached

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Examples of 'poached' in a sentence

Eggs Benedict - poached eggs with quivering yolks, covered in yellow sauce - Eve's gorge rose.It could even be that the chef had been poached from the mysterious Watson.And then Bas, one of our best clients, poached me to start a new company.

In other languages

British English: poached /pəʊtʃt/ ADJECTIVE
fish, animal, bird If fish, animals, or birds are poached, someone has caught them illegally on someone else's property.
She would bring a gift of poached fish or flowers from someone else's garden.
  • American English: poached caught illegally
  • Arabic: مَسْلوق
  • Brazilian Portuguese: caçado ilegalmente
  • Chinese: 偷猎的
  • Croatian: krivolovljen
  • Czech: upytlačený
  • Danish: grebet i krybskytteri
  • Dutch: gestroopt
  • European Spanish: furtivo ilegal
  • Finnish: salaa pyydystetty
  • French: braconné
  • German: gewildert
  • Greek: λαθροθηρικός
  • Italian: cacciato di frodo
  • Japanese: 密漁した caught illegally
  • Korean: 밀렵한
  • Norwegian: tyvfanget
  • Polish: ugotowany
  • European Portuguese: caçado ilegalmente
  • Romanian: furat
  • Russian: пойманный браконьерским образом
  • Latin American Spanish: furtivo
  • Swedish: olovligen fångad
  • Thai: รุกล้ำ
  • Turkish: kaçak avlanmış
  • Ukrainian: упійманий
  • Vietnamese: bị săn trộm
British English: poached /pəʊtʃt/ ADJECTIVE
eggs, fish Poached eggs, fish, or other foods are cooked gently in boiling water, milk, or other liquid.
The main course was to be a whole poached salmon.
  • American English: poached simmered gently
  • Arabic: مَطْهُو فِي مَاءٍ أَوْ سَائِلٌ مَغْلِيّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: escaldado
  • Chinese: 水煮的
  • Croatian: poširan
  • Czech: jemně povařený
  • Danish: pocheret
  • Dutch: gepocheerd
  • European Spanish: escalfado
  • Finnish: haudutettu
  • French: poché
  • German: pochiert
  • Greek: ποσέ
  • Italian: in camicia
  • Japanese: ポーチした simmered gently
  • Korean: 서서히 끓인
  • Norwegian: posjert
  • Polish: ugotowany
  • European Portuguese: escalfado
  • Romanian: fiert
  • Russian: приготовленный на медленном огне
  • Latin American Spanish: cocido a fuego lento
  • Swedish: pocherad
  • Thai: เคี่ยวอาหาร
  • Turkish: haşlanmış yumurta, balık
  • Ukrainian: впольований браконьєром
  • Vietnamese: ninh

Chinese translation of 'poached'




  1. [egg, salmon] 煮的 (zhǔ de)




  1. (= steal) [fish, animals, birds] 偷猎(獵) (tōuliè)
  2. [person] 挖人 (wārén)
  3. [idea] 窃(竊)取 (qièqǔ)
  4. (= cook)
    1. [egg] 水煮 (shuǐzhǔ)
    2. [fish, chicken, fruit] 炖(燉) (dùn)


  1. (= steal) 偷猎(獵) (tōuliè)




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