a system of measurement using the point as its unit
point (sense 21)
a system for evaluation of achievement, as in education or industry, based on awarding points
any system of writing or printing, such as Braille, that uses protruding dots
point system in American English
a system of averaging a student's letter grades by giving them equivalent numerical value in points: the average attained is called the grade-point average
a system of graduating the sizes of type on a uniform scale of points
see also point (sense 32)
any system of writing or printing for the blind, as Braille, in which raised points in certain combinations are used
4. US
a system of penalizing drivers of automotive vehicles a given number of points for certain driving offenses, and suspending the driver's license if a specified number of points accumulate
Examples of 'point system' in a sentence
point system
Now we can hopefully get a points system that will allow skilled people in.