Standard time is the official local time of a region or country.
French standard time is GMT plus 1 hr.
standard time in British English
the official local time of a region or country determined by the distance from Greenwich of a line of longitude passing through the area
standard time in American English
the time in any of the 24 time zones, each an hour apart, into which the earth is divided: it is based on distance east or west of Greenwich, England; the 8 zones of North America (Atlantic, Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, Hawaii-Aleutian, and Samoa) use the mean solar times of the 60th, 75th, 90th, 105th, 120th, 135th, 150th, and 165th meridians, respectively
see also time zone
the official time, whether mean solar time or daylight saving time, in any given region
All related terms of 'standard time'
Alaska Standard Time
a standard time used in the zone which includes all of Alas. except the W Aleutian Islands, corresponding to the mean solar time of the 135th meridian west of Greenwich , England: it is nine hours behind Greenwich time
British Standard Time
the standard time used in Britain all the year round from 1968 to 1971, set one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time and equalling Central European Time
Central Standard Time
one of the standard times used in North America , based on the local time of the 90° meridian , six hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Eastern Standard Time
one of the standard times used in North America, five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Pacific Standard Time
one of the standard times used in North America , based on the local time of the 120° meridian , eight hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Samoa Standard Time
a standard time used in the zone which includes American Samoa , corresponding to the mean solar time of the 165th meridian west of Greenwich , England: it is eleven hours behind Greenwich time
Atlantic Standard Time
the local time used in eastern Canada , four hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Hawaiian Standard Time
the time used in the Hawaiian time zone
Mountain Standard Time
one of the standard times used in North America , seven hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Newfoundland Standard Time
one of the standard times used in Canada , three and a half hours behind Greenwich Mean Time
Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
a standard time used in the zone which includes Hawaii and the western Aleutian Islands, corresponding to the mean solar time of the 150th meridian west of Greenwich , England: it is ten hours behind Greenwich time