a state of the US in the central Pacific, consisting of over 20 volcanic islands and atolls, including Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, and Molokai: discovered by Captain Cook in 1778; annexed by the US in 1898; naval base at Pearl Harbor attacked by the Japanese in 1941, a major cause of US entry into World War II; became a state in 1959. Capital: Honolulu. Pop: 1 257 608 (2003 est). Area: 16 640 sq km (6425 sq miles)
Former name: Sandwich Islands. Abbreviation: Ha or (with zip code) HI
Hawaii in American English
(həˈwɑi; həˈwaɪi)
state of the U.S., consisting of a group of islands (Hawaiian Islands) in the North Pacific: admitted, 1959: 6,423 sq mi (16,635 sq km); pop. 1,212,000; cap. Honolulu
abbrev. HI
largest & southernmost of the islands of Hawaii, southeast of Oahu: 4,028 sq mi (10,432 sq km); pop. 149,000
Word origin
Haw Hawai'i > Proto-Polynesian *hawaiki; akin to Savai'i, Savaii