

单词 trundle

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Examples of 'trundle' in a sentence

They got back into the truck and went forward at a slow trundle for some little while.Wait a while then two trundle along in the same week.It trundled along those terrifying streets so slowly it was horrible.The next minute his three biggest hits are trundling back into town within a year of one another.They would have meant months of disruption and loss of business, with heavy vehicles trundling in.Certainly, the recoil if you fired a gun while trundling along would put you on your back.Place the tank on a smooth surface without the match touching the ground, and the tank will begin trundling along.Then, as the queue advances, you trundle forward.Instead of trundling along a straight road, I like to kick off in different directions.

In other languages

British English: trundle VERB
If a vehicle trundles somewhere, it moves there slowly, often with difficulty or an irregular movement.
The truck was trundling along the the valley.
  • American English: trundle
  • Brazilian Portuguese: mover-se com dificuldade
  • Chinese: > 缓慢行进车辆
  • European Spanish: avanzar lentamente y con dificultad
  • French: rouler péniblementN
  • German: zockeln
  • Italian: avanzare a fatica
  • Japanese: がたごと走る
  • Korean: > 굴러가다자동차가 천천히
  • European Portuguese: mover-se com dificuldade
  • Latin American Spanish: avanzar lentamente y con dificultad





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